
Karin Larsen

Local students join those in eight other Canadian cities in staging school strike and rally at city hall

Daniel Boffey
Luxembourg City suffers from some of the worst traffic congestion in the world. Photograph: Eric Vidal/Reuters

Government seeks to prioritise environment and end some of world’s worst traffic congestion

Jean Swanson
Renoviction Ban - Vancouver City Dec. 4, 2018

10:20 PM - 4 Dec 2018

Tenants who organized & spoke to City Council: you made this partial win possible. You did it with your eloquence and genuineness, and with your commitment and courage, and by sticking your neck out and risking being blacklisted and evicted — that takes a lot of courage. #vanpoli

Richard Greeman  
yellow vest riot Paris
December 3, 2018
Ignored by Emmanuel Macron, distorted by the media, courted by the Right, snubbed by the Left, the self-organized mass movement known as the Yellow Vests is seriously challenging the political and economic order in France.
ENvironnement JEUnesse
Quebec’s youth sue the Government of Canada for its inaction on climate change!
[Note: In ENvironnement JEUnesse, the name of the group taking this action, the upper case letters spell ENJEU, which translates as "stake" (as in what is risked) or "challenge" (as in a problem that confronts you).]
Tenants Union

We had such a packed and exciting General Meeting last night. With Tenant Power we can to end renovictions this week!

Vancouver Councillor Jean Swanson has put a motion forward to Protect Tenants from Renovictions and Aggressive Buy-Outs.

Speakers on this motion will be heard at 6PM on Tuesday November 27th at City Hall. Read the rest of this email to find out what you need to know to support the motion to ban renovictions.

The Plan

Geoff Dembicki
‘I feel like I’ve jumped into the fire’: After 30 years as an activist outsider, Jean Swanson is now finding her way inside the halls of power in Vancouver. Photo by Christopher Cheung.

‘If you’ve got any wealth in Vancouver, you have to be fearful,’ says investor.

After Jean Swanson is done cleaning out the “dust and the mousetraps” from her new office in City Hall, she’s thinking of hanging two sheets of paper on the wall with words of guidance from her friend Kshama Sawant.


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