On Tuesday, February 5, as the Macron government pushed harsh repressive laws against demonstrators through the National Assembly, the Yellow Vests joined with France’s unions for the first time in a day-long, nation-wide “General Strike.”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought to redefine freedom in the face of war. The Green New Deal imagines goals for a colorful democracy
One of the biggest challenges of climate politics is that the solutions seem scarier than the problem. We worry that to truly decarbonize, we’d need an authoritarian government or endless austerity. But a big and bold enough Green New Deal could finally make us truly free.
Call from the First Assembly of Assemblies of the Yellow Vests
We, the Yellow Vests of the roundabouts, of the parking lots, of the squares, of the assemblies, rallies and demonstrations, have gathered on January 26 and 27, 2019, as an "Assembly of Assemblies," bringing together a hundred delegations, in response to a call by the Yellow Vests of Commercy.
Is the Yellow Vest (Gilets Jaunes) rebellion, now in its seventh week, “petering out?” Such was the near-unanimous pronouncement of the mainstream media, when I returned home to Montpellier, France, eager to participate and to observe first-hand this popular insurrection which I had been afraid of missing.
VANCOUVER—Vancouver city councillor Jean Swanson still wears the friendship bracelet woven by young female inmates she befriended during her four-day stint at Alouette Correctional Centre for Women in August. She hasn’t taken it off once.
MPs must show leadership on issues such as meat production and air travel, says Clive Lewis
Politicians must persuade consumers to make dramatic lifestyle changes if devastating climate change and mass extinctions are to be averted, according to the shadow Treasury minister Clive Lewis.
"Interesting article in parts. The brief exploration of direct vs. representative democracy poses a question we don't think about often, let alone discuss. If representative democracy leads to "oligarchy" (we have called it "bureaucracy" in unions and left parties) and direct democracy has a definite tendency to wear people out, what can we do? Of course, this is a problem we'd love (theoretically) to be facing now or soon, but, even though it isn't urgent for us, it is a question that haunts the history of revolution." - Gene McGuckin
Everyday people in France want to fight climate change; they are more worried and outraged about the impacts of global warming than their European neighbors, according to the last European Perceptions of Climate Change report. They just don’t want low- and middle-income people to have to pay for solving a problem caused by multinational corporations.
A court has ruled that companies must first seek permission from local communities if they plan to mine on their ancestral land. This represents a new achievement in land and mining rights for South Africa.