Inspired by the Swedish student, Greta Thunberg, the student strikers and Naomi Klein's new book "On Fire: The Burning Case for the Green New Deal," I have decided to upend my life, leave my comfort zone and move to Washington, D.C. for four months to focus on climate change. As Greta said, "This is a crisis. We have to act like our house is on fire, because it is.”
Decades of neoliberalism, neocolonialism and now climate injustice have pushed Haiti to the brink. By succumbing to international pressure to cut subsidies, the Haitian government accommodated foreign agendas but endangered the survival of its own population. The country produces just 0.02 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and yet its people are paying a disproportionate price for abiding by international financial standards and emission controls.
Millions of young people around the world have been marching for climate action over the past two weeks, in what has become the largest climate protest movement in world history.
OTTAWA -- A British Columbia think tank asked the Conservatives on Thursday to either stop running a new anti-carbon tax ad, or remove the reference in it to Clean Energy Canada's research.
Dan Woynillowicz, policy director for Clean Energy Canada, says Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer's new ad misrepresents research done by the Simon Fraser University think tank.
"The information in the ad needs to be corrected, or it needs to be removed from circulation," said Woynillowicz.
[Note: Superb article by a retired US Army major (combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, associate professor of history, West Point). Straight from the horses' mouth. Another Smedley Butler. - Will Offley]