Hurricane Fiona left a trail of destruction across the Atlantic Coast in September 2022 wreaking havoc on wharves, fisheries, vessels, and gear and the federal government’s pocketbook.
It’s been almost a decade since Mark Carney took the podium during a candlelit meal in the immense Underwriting Room at Lloyd's of London and threw a stink bomb at the black tied bigwigs of international finance.
“I’m going to give you a speech without a joke, I’m afraid,” Carney began. And then, after the requisite “grateful for the invitation” and up-buttering, Carney gave what’s been known ever since as the Tragedy of the Horizon speech.
Seattle voters have just beaten the oligarchs, Amazon, Microsoft, the local Chamber of Commerce, the real estate industry, the coup makers and backers, the Muskites, and the Trumpiphiles. How? Through a ballot measure, the people in Seattle have just approved a tax on excessive executive compensation to fund affordable housing.
Former Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau once said that the Canada-US relationship resembled a mouse sleeping with an elephant: “No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.” — Quote from Jonathan Malloy, Inside Story, 13 July, 2018.
A federal judge’s decision on a Quebec nuclear waste facility has set a new precedent for what consultation with First Nations should look like, raising the standard for projects across Canada.