Tar Sands

Geoff Dembicki
Deborah Lawrence, formerly Deborah Rogers, warned of the shale gas and oil crashes, and called Teck Frontier’s proposed new oilsands mine ‘uncommercial even at relatively high oil prices’ years before it was cancelled. Photo: submitted.

May 11, 2020

COVID-19 is making many bearish about bitumen. Deborah Lawrence’s past pessimism has proven unpopular, and correct.

Geoff Dembicki reports for The Tyee. His work also appears in Vice, Foreign Policy and the New York Times.

Deborah Lawrence used to be a stockbroker with Merrill Lynch. Over the past decade, the independent economic analyst has developed a reputation for telling oil investors what they don’t want to hear.

The Kearl Oil Sands project plant, belonging to Imperial Oil Ltd. (parent company Exxon Mobil), near Fort McMurray, Alberta is seen in this file photo from June 13, 2017.

Apr. 18, 2020

Health officials in British Columbia and Saskatchewan are advising people to self-isolate if they’re returning from an area of Alberta where an oil sands site is suffering from a COVID-19 outbreak.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority said in a statement that it and the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority have begun a contact tracing investigation into new cases of the novel coronavirus in the province’s north that are related to cross-boundary travel.

Dean Bennett
Alberta chief medical officer of health Dr. Deena Hinshaw updates media on the Covid-19 situation in Edmonton on Friday, March 20, 2020. File photo by The Canadian Press/Jason Franson

April 16th 2020


Alberta has reached almost 2,000 cases of COVID-19 and is now dealing with an outbreak at an oilsands facility.

Gabriel Friedman
Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage and Premier Jason Kenney see a need for $20 billion to $30 billion injected into the province's oil sector. IAN KUCERAK/POSTMEDIA

April 13, 2020

Hopes for as much as $30 billion to help sector survive double hit

Alberta’s Minister of Energy Sonya Savage expects the federal government to announce a “liquidity package” this week that would help oil and gas companies in her province survive through the severe price collapse caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Kyle Bakx, Tony Seskus
Mar 26, 2020 

Price of Canadian oilsands crude plunges to lowest level on record — and could be headed to $0

The cost of buying a barrel of Canadian oil fell to less than a Barrel of Monkeys on Thursday as the oil price again crashed to record levels.

Western Canadian Select (WCS) was selling for $6.45 US a barrel Thursday, down $2.84 US from a day earlier. That's below last week's record when it sold for as low as $7.63 US a barrel.

Bob Weber
A pickup truck is seen passing a mining shovel at an oil sands mine near Fort McMurray, Alta., in a file photo.  JEFF MCINTOSH/THE CANADIAN PRESS

Some Canadian organizations are asking the federal government to focus any bailout of the oil industry on workers and families, not corporations.

The request comes in an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, released Tuesday morning and signed by environmental organizations, faith and labour groups that the signatories say represent about 1.3 million people.

“Giving billions of dollars to failing oil and gas companies will not help workers and only prolongs our reliance on fossil fuels,” the letter says.

Concerned Organizations

March 23, 2020


To the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, 

Cc: Federal Cabinet Ministers 



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