November 12, 2018 - Thirty years of neoliberal domination, culminating in the economic crisis that began in 2008, have resulted in the introduction of charges for public service throughout Europe, particularly for education and health services. But this is not the case in all public services. In recent years there has been a renaissance of free public transport, particularly in Eastern Europe.
During the San Francisco Global Climate Action Summit, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) announced its support for a declaration to create zero-emissions cities by 2030.
According to the ITF’s General Secretary Stephen Cotton, “The ITF and its affiliates are ready to support the declaration in real and tangible ways. We recognise that if we act now and act together, dangerous climate change can be averted. That’s why the ITF is here at GCAS making the case for massively expanding public transport now.”
Oct 5, 2018 - Free public transit could combat both economic inequality and climate disturbances. And, if paid for by fees on automobility, fare-less transit could be part of a serious challenge to private, car-centred transit and urban planning.
Airports around the globe are being warned to prepare their facilities for climate change-related impacts, including extreme weather and sea level rise.
The warning comes in a policy paper published on Wednesday by a leading global airline trade association. It encourages airports to conduct risk assessments and consider adaptation and mitigation measures to prepare for the potential climate-related impacts to infrastructure and operations.