
Umair Irfan

Humans are pumping more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at an accelerating rate. But climate change is a cumulative problem, a function of the total amount of greenhouse gases that have accumulated in the sky. Some of the heat-trapping gases in the air right now date back to the Industrial Revolution. And since that time, some countries have pumped out vastly more carbon dioxide than others.

Robyn Crawford

[Videos at link]

Supporters and opponents of a campaign to offer free transit to people aged under 18, and offer sliding scale discounts to low-income people turned out to Vancouver city council on Wednesday. Sarah McDonald has the details.

Barry Saxifrage

The British Columbia government has recently made two big decisions that are pulling the province in opposite directions in the climate fight — approving LNG Canada and rolling out the new CleanBCclimate plan.

Barry Saxifrage

The British Columbia government has recently made two big decisions that are pulling the province in opposite directions in the climate fight — approving LNG Canada and rolling out the new CleanBCclimate plan.

Marc Lee
BC's new Climate Plan

BC’s new climate plan, Clean BC, is a big and visionary document and was instantly lauded by environmental groups and businesses alike. In this post, I recap the key components of the plan and do a bit of a reality check against the hype, in particular the challenge of fitting liquefied natural gas (LNG) into the plan.

Carlito Pablo
Viveca Ellis runs the All On Board campaign for the B.C. Poverty Reduction Coalition.

Dec.12, 2018

After the examples of New Westminster and Port Moody, other Lower Mainland municipalities, including Vancouver, are expected to hop on a campaign for affordable transit.

Daniel Boffey
Luxembourg City suffers from some of the worst traffic congestion in the world. Photograph: Eric Vidal/Reuters

Government seeks to prioritise environment and end some of world’s worst traffic congestion

Richard Milne

World’s largest container shipping group throws down challenge to industry

The world’s largest container shipping company has pledged to cut net carbon emissions to zero by 2050, challenging an industry that is both one of the main transporters of global trade and one of the biggest polluters to come up with radical solutions in the next decade.

Feargus O'Sulllivan
Andrew Winning/Reuters Spain Wants to Ban Cars in Dozens of Cities, and the Public’s on Board

[Comment on this article by David Hendrickson‏ @davidjhen on Twitter: 

And Delta BC wants a 10 lane bridge towards endless congestion...

David Hendrickson added,

CityLabVerified account @CityLab

Spain wants to ban cars in dozens of cities, and the public’s on board, @FeargusOSull reports 

5:56 PM - 30 Nov 2018 from Vancouver, British Columbia


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