
 Paul Street

AUGUST 17, 2018

I detest the malignantly racist, sexist, narcissistic, and authoritarian pathological liar and bully Donald Trump on many different levels, and I share none of his sick world view, but the corporate media really is, well (to use Trump’s recurrent phrase), “the enemy of the people.” 

John Bellamy Foster

This interview of Foster by Jonas Elvander for Flamman (The Flame) addresses a wide variety of issues, including the roots of Marxian ecology, the nature of ecosocialism, the global ecological crisis, the question of green capitalism, the relation of ecosocialism to indigenous struggles, and the bases of ecological hope. It was conducted over a number of days in late July and early August 2018It was translated into Swedish and published in an abridged form in Flamman on August 9.

Roger Annis

Aug 4, 2018 - Naomi Klein has published a lengthy critique of an important feature essay appearing in the New York Times Magazine on August 1, 2018: Losing Earth: The decade we almost stopped climate changeby Nathaniel Rich, with photos and video by George Steinmetz.

Steven Poole

... the authors argue, capitalism also needs to be overthrown because climate change demands a social revolution along more egalitarian, “sustainable” lines. Business as usual, they say, is not an option, echoing Naomi Klein’s argument in her 2014 eco-socialist manifesto, This Changes Everything....

Kevin MacKay

JULY 20, 2018

June 23 marked the 30th year anniversary of NASA climate scientist James Hansen’s presentation on global warming to the U.S. Congress. In his address Hansen argued that climate change – long predicted by scientists, was now here, and that it would get steadily worse.


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