Carbon pricing

John Woodside & Natasha Bulowski
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland at the 2023 Budget. File photo by Natasha Bulowski

“At the end of the day, that’s still counting on the market … to build out these industries and then hoping the benefits trickle down to workers and to communities and to people,” he said. But Mertins-Kirkwood stressed the crux of the issue is time. “If we had 100 years to decarbonize, I’d say it’s better to take it slow and let the market figure it out, but every month counts right now.”

Nov. 21, 2023

Seth Klein
Illustration by Ata Ojani for Canada's National Observer

Nov. 20, 2023

Sigh. So, once again, the carbon tax — only ever a meagre climate measure — is sucking up all the political and media oxygen at the expense of other more systemic and bold changes. It now appears we are destined to spend the next federal election, quite likely next year’s British Columbia election and possibly other forthcoming provincial elections re-prosecuting past climate fights.

Tom Green
An aerial oilsands image. While cloaking their calls for relief around affordability, carbon-pricing critics are helping the oil and gas industry profit off the backs of people in Canada for as long as possible. Photo by Shutterstock

Nov. 17, 2023

As winter sets in, many people in Canada are struggling with home heating affordability. Fuel oil is expensive — not because of the federal carbon levy, but because it’s an inefficient way to heat, and Big Oil is taking advantage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to increase prices and rake in record profits.

Natasha Bulowski
Bloc Québécois MP Monique Pauzé before a federal committee meeting on Sept. 28, 2023. Photo by Natasha Bulowski

Nov. 10, 2023

Canada’s environment commissioner said it is not clear how the oil and gas sector will achieve the greenhouse gas emission reductions prescribed under the federal government’s climate plan, and called for more transparency around the modelling.

Natasha Bulowski
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's non-binding motion to exempt all forms of home heating from the carbon price was defeated on Nov. 6, 2023. File photo by Alex Tétreault

Nov. 7, 2023

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s symbolic motion calling for more carbon tax carveouts was defeated, but this won’t end the polarizing debate that centres on equity.

For the most part, opposition politicians and provincial governments have focused their attention on pushing for more carbon price carveouts, calling the Liberals’ three-year exemption on heating oil unfair to the rest of Canadians.

Vipal Monga
Flying over the Hudson Bay Lowlands to the Ring of Fire in Northern Ontario.

Sept. 28, 2023

$67 Billion of Rare Minerals Is Buried Under One of the World’s Biggest Carbon Sinks

A fight is brewing in Canada about how, or whether, to dig out materials essential for EV batteries that lie deep beneath vast peat bogs

The pace of the global transition to electric vehicles depends on the future of a remote region in Canada known as the Ring of Fire.

Nina Lakhani
Teles Pires dam in Brazil. Experts say large renewable energy projects like dams should not count towards credits as they don’t lead to additional emission cuts. Composite: Reuters

Sept. 19, 2023

Revealed: top carbon offset projects may not cut planet-heating emissions

Majority of offset projects that have sold the most carbon credits are ‘likely junk’, according to analysis by Corporate Accountability and the Guardian


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