Climate Change

Extinction Rebellion Vancouver

Welcome to Extinction Rebellion Vancouver newsletter #4!
In this issue: The global rebellion begins | Taking to the streets this Friday! | Form your own affinity group! | | Upcoming events |  

The Global Rebellion Begins

Mike Miller
Sydney Strike - Photograph Source: Marcus Coblyn – CC BY 2.0

Climate justice advocates enthusiastically report that the recent Global Climate Strike involved 7.6 million people in 6,500 events that took place in 185 countries, supported by 8,500 websites, 3,000 companies, and 73 trade unions. Behind the headlines is this fact: with the exception of Morocco, no country in the world is complying with its Paris Climate Accord commitment, and the U.S. has dropped out of the international agreement.

Kevin Orland and Chris Fournier

[Video at link here.]

Dan Edwards watched Fort McMurray, Alberta, turn into the insolvency capital of Canada from a brown brick warehouse on King Street, home to the Wood Buffalo Food Bank.

Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion - Oct. 15, 2019

October 15, 2019 by Extinction Rebellion

(Sign up for the International Newsletter here)

Change takes time: even at the rate we’re going – and need to be going – it’s never going to happen all at once.

Jake Johnson
Scientists for Extinction Rebellion speak at the junction of Moorgate and Lothbury behind the Bank of England in London on October 14, 2019. (Photo: Gareth Fuller/PA Images via Getty Images)

October 14, 2019

"We believe that the continued governmental inaction over the climate and ecological crisis now justifies peaceful and nonviolent protest and direct action, even if this goes beyond the bounds of the current law."

More than 700 scientists—and counting—have signed a declaration of support for the people around the world engaging in non-violent civil disobedience to pressure political leaders to act on the climate crisis.

Gene McGuckin

The children, who rallied in their tens of thousands on Canadian streets two weeks ago, want our current federal election to produce a government with a climate justice plan that will give us a more equitable society and strongly support global efforts to save our civilization and maybe our species. It is somewhat mind-boggling that not one of the four main parties contesting the election has put forward such a plan.

John Kurucz
The protest group Extinction Rebellion closed the Burrard Bridge Monday morning to vehicle traffic and planned to be there all day. Photo Dan Toulgoet

OCTOBER 7, 2019

Vancouver police suggest Monday’s protest will keep the Burrard Bridge closed until midnight

Monday’s protest and closure of the Burrard Bridge won’t be the last.

Patrick Greenfield
The CEOs of BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, which together oversee assets worth more than China’s entire GDP. Illustration: Guardian Design

Oct. 12, 2019

Data reveals crucial role of BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard in climate crisis

The world’s three largest money managers have built a combined $300bn fossil fuel investment portfolio using money from people’s private savings and pension contributions, the Guardian can reveal.

BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, which together oversee assets worth more than China’s entire GDP, have continued to grow billion-dollar stakes in some of the most carbon-intensive companies since the Paris agreement, financial data shows.

Jon Milton

Oct. 9, 2019

Montreal-area NDP candidates speak in favour of urban transit and housing proposals central to proposed ‘Green New Deal of the North’

hen the largest demonstration in Canadian history happened, Montreal’s car traffic came to a standstill. It was predictable — hundreds of thousands of people were expected to descend on the downtown that day, conditions that aren’t exactly ripe for the free flow of cars.


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