Following are specific statements and actions from unions around the world in support of the calls for a “Global Climate Strike” in September 2019. For background, please see TUED Bulletin 88 and this follow-up mailing. If you are aware of union statements and / or actions that are not listed here, please send details to
The Sustainabiliteens are organizing participation in the Global Climate Strike being organized for September 27. The following is a message from them, including details of the action in Vancouver. Please note that although terms such as "strike" and "general strike" are being used, there is no legal mechanism which provides the right to strike (i.e. walk off the job) in relation to this action. Therefore, if you intend to participate during regular working hours please consult with your union in advance.
Delegates at our Constitutional Convention in August unanimously adopted a resolution supporting the Global Climate Week of Action taking place from September 20 to 27, 2019. Unifor locals are encouraged to take part in these important events.