Climate Change

Jane McAlevey
System Change, Not Climate Change / Flickr

Demands for real climate justice got a welcome boost recently as youth walked out of schools worldwide on March 15, urged to go “on strike” by sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg from Sweden. Images in mainstream and social media exploded with pictures of young people marching into plazas across the world, confronting intransigent elected officials and speaking truth to power.

Leila Deen
New Banksy artwork near Marble Arch, London, 29 April 2019
1 May 2019

Climate activists have always made mistakes, and Extinction Rebellion has too. But passing judgement on their imperfections, isn't activism.
Primary Authour Lydia Denworth
Our Future Our Choice

Children can be effective messengers to shift their parents’ level of concern about climate change because they aren’t seen as holding any entrenched political ideology, according to a paper published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Primary Authour Lydia Denworth
Our Future Our Choice

Children can be effective messengers to shift their parents’ level of concern about climate change because they aren’t seen as holding any entrenched political ideology, according to a paper published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Rick Smith and Ken NeumannI


In a month where unprecedented floods have ravaged many Canadian communities, the immediate perils of climate change have never been more evident. At the same time, the news is full of reports underlining the economic anxiety felt by many Canadians. One recent poll showed that nearly half of us fear that we’re only $200 away from personal bankruptcy.

Sarah Lawrynuik 

Up until the last two decades, our forests had the power to sequester in excess of a hundred megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent each year


Ted Hogg’s research usually takes him much deeper in Canada’s boreal forest — but on a chilly day strolling through Edmonton’s river valley, it doesn’t take long before he sees examples of the damage he’s looking for.

Pointing to several of the snow bearing trees, he indicates the deaths he’s already witnessing from climate change.

Photo by Robert van Waarden, Survival Media.


The climate crisis is here. Arctic permafrost is melting, forests, towns, and Indigenous territories are burning. States of emergency – declared for once-in-a-century floods – are becoming commonplace, and millions around the world already face dislocation and starvation.

But that’s not the only thing keeping us up at night. Many of us are struggling to find an affordable place to live, or a decent job to support our families. Hate crimes and racism are on the rise. And promise to Indigenous peoples have yet to be implemented.

Chris Turney
Days of protest by Extinction Rebellion have brought parts of London to a standstill. Credit: Shutterstoc

On Wednesday night a bipartisan UK Parliament passed an extraordinary measure: a national declaration of an Environment and Climate Emergency. The UK is the first national government to declare such an emergency. 


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