[Very interesting. I'm wondering when the other shoes might start dropping. Those shoes could include evolving employment insurance into a "benefit" too small to actually live on, thus forcing people to take low-wage jobs. Or, it might transform, slowly or quickly, into what right-wingers want--a catch-all payment that replaces free health care, education, and other social services, which can then be privatised and charge fees. Gene McGuckin - ecosocialistsvancouver.org]
[ Interesting Assessment Of The Democratic Socialists Of America - Will Offley]
In this piece, veteran socialist Mel Bienenfeld, provides an overview and assessment of DSA’s approach to social movements based on the historic approach to these questions by the revolutionary socialist tradition.
Activists on five continents form a new international association, a network of ecosocialists to coordinate activity and build worldwide resistance to capitalist ecocide
Climate & Capitalism is pleased and excited to announce formation of the Global Ecosocialist Network. We encourage all C&C readers to support this important initiative to strengthen ecosocialism around the world
Dutch campaigners are declaring an “immense victory for climate justice” after a strongly-worded supreme court judgement December 20 upheld governments’ human rights duty to protect citizens from climate change and ordered The Netherlands to cut greenhouse gas emissions 25% below 1990 levels by the end of this year.
Environmental destruction isn’t driven by human nature or mistaken ideas. It is an inevitable consequence of a system built on capital accumulation.
Climate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus spoke at an educational conference organized by Socialist Action in Toronto, on November 16, 2019. His talk has been edited for publication.
These sentences are from a recent report on the consequences of climate change: