Labour - Unions


For the submissions by Burnaby Residents Against Kinder Morgan Expansion (BROKE) and the UNIFOR union to the National Energy Board (NEB) hearings on TransMountain's proposal to expand their pipeline to carry diluted bitumen from the Alberta tar sands to tanker docks in Burnaby, BC:


Longview, WA - Arch Coal, Inc., the second largest coal supplier in the United States, announced today that it would be filing for bankruptcy protection after suffering several quarters of losses and being unable to restructure its debt. The company has been a major player in coal regions across the U.S., including Appalachia and the Powder River Basin.

Sean Sweeney
Trade Unions for Energy Democracy logo

The final months of 2015 saw a large growth in support for TUED in the US and UK

In the final months of 2015, seven unions representing approximately 4.6 million workers have joined Trade Unions for Energy Democracy.  Five of the unions are from the US and two are from the UK.

Michael Gasser
Capitalism & Climate Change:
The Science and Politics of Global Warming
By David Klein, illustrated and edited
by Stephanie McMillan
An ebook available for download at Gumroad, a site where people can sell their work directly to their audience: You choose your own price.

[Web page editor's note: See the links to the positions of various labour bodies in the second half of this article.]

Canadian Government Actions Around COP21

Ian Angus

Ian Angus is a Canadian activist, editor of the ecosocialist journal Climate and Capitalism and co-author of Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis. He talked to Phil Gasper about what to expect from the Paris summit and what the climate justice movement will need to take up next.

Roger Annis

On November 10, newly-elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met in Ottawa with the leadership council of the Canadian Labour Congress, the federation of trade unions in English-speaking Canada. Amazingly, this was the first meeting of a Canadian prime minister with a national labour body since 1958. The event was very cordial, according to a report published in the Globe and Mail. The CLC group numbered some 120 delegates.


Solutions to the Climate Crisis and the Role of Trade Unions

A Conversation with Naomi Klein & UK Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn

David Bush and Doug Nesbitt

So there we have it. Harper is gone. The Liberals surged from third place to win in this marathon election. The NDP, which was leading in the polls in August, slowly lost steam after they promised to prioritize balancing the budget and refusing to tax the rich. Ever the opportunists, the Liberals seized on this opening and ran a campaign that rode of a wave popular discontent with the Harper government, drilled home the message that they would tax the rich and spend money on infrastructure to pull the economy out of recession.

by Lars Henriksson

Lars Henriksson is a Swedish auto worker, unionist activist, and author of the 2011 book Slutkört.

At the COP 19, the even-more-depressing-than-usual climate summit that took place in Warsaw in 2013, one small ray of light made it through the dark corporate clouds that were otherwise suffocating even the slightest effort to address the ongoing environmental disaster.


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