
David Broadland
This satellite photo of logging west of Kelowna covers an area of 63 square kilometres. The 220,000 square kilometres of primary forest in BC that is being converted to clearcuts, logging roads and plantations is 3,500 times greater than the area shown here (click image to enlarge). For context, the entire state of Washington covers 184,827 square kilometres.

Dec.13, 2022

The BC government is committing a 220,000-square-kilometre, biodiversity-killing, climate-destabilizing fraud on its own citizens and the international community.

THERE’S BEEN A LOT OF WRITING over the past year about the “Big Lie” in American politics: A deliberate, gross distortion of the truth, repeated over and over, even in the face of evidence that what’s being claimed is false.

Allison Hannaford
A Canada Post letter carrier crosses a snow and ice covered road while delivering mail in Burnaby, B.C., on Wednesday, December 21, 2022. Photo by: The Canadian Press/Darryl Dyck

Dec. 22, 2022

Like many Canadians, Colin McCarter is awaiting his father’s arrival to celebrate the holidays with him and his family in North Bay, Ont. However, he warned his dad about the impending storm and the challenges he may face on his nearly 400-kilometre drive north from the Greater Toronto Area.

McCarter, the Canada Research Chair in Climate and Environmental Change at Nipissing University in North Bay, thinks about extreme weather a lot. His studies revolve around how disturbances like climate change impact our landscape.

The New Climate Report
The New Climate Report

Watch here:

283,080 views Aug 26, 2022

It's never good to hear the words "total societal collapse" from a scholarly paper, but that's exactly the phrasing used in the new UN climate report. We all know it's bad, but what's really standing in the way of us ensuring a livable future?

Check out my podcast, The Deprogram!

Martin Empson
degrowth venn diagram

Dec. 17, 2022

Book review: A powerful polemic against capitalism’s planetary destruction, and an engaging look at the degrowth movement

Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter and Aaron Vansintjan
A Guide to a World Beyond Capitalism

Verso, 2022

reviewed by Martin Empson

Gerard Dalbon
DSA and the War in Ukraine: Toward a Mass Socialist Anti-War Movement

Dec. 9. 2022

A DSA International Committee organizer talks about DSA’s response to the war in Ukraine, the need for socialist anti-war organizing, and his perspective on the conflict as an Eastern European.

Watch here:

H.G. Watson
Stop criminalizing poverty

Website editor: This article makes some very good points about 'free transit' campaigns and more.

Dec. 19, 2022

Ottawa’s light-rail transit system has made headlines in the last years – but not for any good reasons. Trains don’t work in the cold. Technical problems cause frequent delays, and a derailment once led to all the trains being taken out of service for weeks. On top of this, Ottawa’s city council voted to increase fares.

What On Earth - CBC
The Petroleum Papers is a nonfiction book by Geoff Dembicki. (Greystone Books, Submitted by the Writers' Trust of Canada)
In his book The Petroleum Papers, journalist Geoff Dembicki traces the money behind climate disinformation back to Canada. 
Aired: Dec. 18, 2022
clip is from the beginning to 23:17 point.


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