
Wenonah Hauter
Smoke stacks - GETTY IMAGES

Feb. 14, 2022

The industry is wildly fudging the numbers to make itself look like a major job creator. We shouldn’t be fooled.

For years now, any discussion about climate action or the need to move off fossil fuels has run headlong into a familiar quandary: The industries fueling the climate crisis create good jobs, often in areas of the country where finding work that can support a family is incredibly difficult. 

Sharon Zhang
Supporters hold pro-union signs in support of workers of two Seattle Starbucks locations that announced plans to unionize, during an evening rally at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, Washington, January 25, 2022. JASON REDMOND / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

Feb. 22, 2022

On Monday, Starbucks Workers United announced that they had officially surpassed 100 locations filing for union representation, marking a milestone despite the company stepping up its union-busting efforts.

“It’s official – we reached the 100 store mark,” the union tweeted. “103 stores (to be exact) have filed petitions with the NLRB to join the Starbucks Workers United movement!”

William Rivers Pitt
A respiratory therapist checks on a COVID-19 patient in the ICU at Rush University Medial Center on January 31, 2022, in Chicago, Illinois. SCOTT OLSON / GETTY IMAGES

Feb. 22, 2022

As the world crouches in anticipation of whatever fresh hell is preparing to jump from the Russia/Ukraine border, some seem to have forgotten that COVID-19 is not yet over. There have been more than 28,000 COVID deaths in the U.S. over the last two weeks, and more than 1.2 million new infections over that same span. The fact that this represents significant progress in the fight against the virus only underscores the horror of the body count. Were this pandemic a shooting war, those numbers would be bluntly unendurable.

Charlie Smith
Three days after retired UBC professor William Winder and SFU student Zain Haq were jailed for peacefully opposing the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, the federal government said it won't invest any new money into this project.

Before Mohandas K. Gandhi was sentenced to prison in 1922 for three articles published in Young India, he delivered a speech that went down in history.

"In my opinion, non-co-operation with evil is as much a duty as is co-operation with good," Gandhi told court. "But in the past, non-co-operation has been deliberately expressed in violence to the evil-doer.

Charlie Smith
This is one of several photos released by the RCMP in its statement about a violent attack on a Coastal GasLink work site.

"It may all be true, of course. But it would be nice to see more evidence than a handful of photos and written statements from the RCMP, the solicitor general, and Coastal GasLink. "  [See Update below]

Feb. 17, 2022

Today, the B.C. RCMP issued a statement that has drawn a great deal of media attention. And understandably so.


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