
Alex Fox
Researchers extracting an ice core from the Guliya Ice Cap in the Tibetan Plateau in 2015. (Lonnie Thompson / Ohio State University)

July 26, 2021

Researchers say the ancient pathogens are unlikely to cause humans any harm, but 28 out of the 33 viruses found are new to science

Ice core samples from a Tibetan glacier have yielded a collection of viruses and other microbes that are nearly 15,000 years old, reports Isaac Schultz for Gizmodo.

Seth Klein
A print ad for a 1966 Jeepster Sports Convertible. Columnist Seth Klein believes it's time to ban advertisements that glamorize the very products that got us into a climate emergency. Photo by John Lloyd / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Aug. 9, 2021

Pre-pandemic, I remember sitting in a movie theatre waiting for the film to begin and being forced to watch yet another high-production car ad. I think it was a Jeep advertisement in this case, and clearly designed to appeal to young people, inviting them to conquer the great outdoors and enticing them into the company’s attractive domain. And I found myself wondering: why are ads for gas stations, gas-powered cars and trucks, and airlines not illegal?

John Woodside
Paris climate targets could soon be out of reach without immediate and massive greenhouse gas emission reductions, says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in a landmark report. Photo by Steven Weeks / Unsplash

August 9th 2021

Paris Agreement climate targets could soon be out of reach without immediate and massive greenhouse gas emission reductions, says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in a landmark report published Monday.

Ian Angus
Harvesting grain in the 1400s

August 1, 2021

“All progress in capitalist agriculture is a progress in the art, not only of robbing the worker, but of robbing the soil.” (Karl Marx)

Robbing the Soil is a new series of articles on capitalist agriculture, part of my continuing project on metabolic rifts. Your constructive comments, suggestions, and corrections will help me get it right. -IA

Chris Campbell
The Burnaby tank farm. (via Contributed)

Aug. 7, 2021

A local MP was giving out $30 million but the media wasn't invited

So all signs point to a looming federal election in Canada, what with a tsunami of government funding announcements and appearances by ministers in ridings across the country.

I want to discuss the optics of how the feds have handled recent pre-election activity and their cowardly approach to awkward topics.

Tara Olivetree (Ehrcke)

7. 12. 2021


Who has more power than Shell Oil? This is one of the first questions a climate activist should ask themselves, because without finding an answer, we can’t win.

Sol Trumbo Vila, originally published by Transnational Institute
 View of Old Town from the Olaf Tower, Vyborg, Leningrad oblast, Russia

A wealth of material here, along with some complex thinking and complex assumptions. Not at all sure what can be used in the increasingly urgent situations confronting us, or even whether cities are, in fact, the right theatres-of-action to concentrate on--Canadian cities being especially hamstrung by their lack of taxing power and, therefore, their lack of power to choose and implement policies. BUT these folks are thinking about strategies and tactics, not just desirable goals, so I'll be going back over this a few times.



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