
Fiona Harvey
Animal farming is one of the activities producing methane, which has a warming potential more that 80 times that of CO2. Photograph: Yves Herman/Reuters

Aug. 6, 2021

IPCC says gas, produced by farming, shale gas and oil extraction, playing ever-greater role in overheating planet

Cutting carbon dioxide is not enough to solve the climate crisis – the world must act swiftly on another powerful greenhouse gas, methane, to halt the rise in global temperatures, experts have warned.

Helena Smith
Locals fleeing with their animals as a wildfire rages in a suburb north of Athens. Photograph: Giorgos Moutafis/Reuters

Aug. 7, 2021

The city is surrounded by flames. On the ground, there are tales of heroism – and fear for the future

Little had prepared any of us on the Athens-bound flight for the sight of the great fire-induced clouds that swept either side of the plane as it made its descent on Friday.

Christopher Reynolds
New homes are built in a housing construction development in the west end of Ottawa on Thursday, May 6, 2021. Photo by: The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick

Aug. 10, 2021

OTTAWA — The federal government has spent less than half of the funding earmarked for a pair of flagship housing programs as the need for affordable homes grows along with a yawning "affordability gap," says Canada's budget watchdog.

Yves Engler
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and former Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland host a gathering of foreign ministers from the Lima Group, a coalition of countries formed to “solve the Venezuela crisis.” Photo from Twitter.

Aug. 10, 2021

Latin American governments are abandoning the controversial regime change alliance. Now it’s time for Canada to follow suit

The Lima Group, a multilateral body formed in the Peruvian capital in 2017 with the goal of instigating regime change in Venezuela through a “peaceful and negotiated solution,” has been dealt a likely fatal blow that ought to elicit serious discussion about Canadian foreign policy in Latin America. Just don’t expect the media or politicians to even mention it.

Robert Reich
The Solutions to the Climate Crisis No One is Talking About

April 25, 2020

Make no mistake: the simultaneous crisis of inequality and climate is no fluke. Both are the result of decades of deliberate choices made, and policies enacted, by ultra-wealthy and powerful corporations.

Both our economy and the environment are in crisis. Wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few while the majority of Americans struggle to get by. The climate crisis is worsening inequality, as those who are most economically vulnerable bear the brunt of flooding, fires, and disruptions of supplies of food, water, and power.

Bethany Lindsay

 Aug 09, 2021

'It's as if we're paying someone to go around and throw gasoline on the ground,' analyst says

According to the environmental group Stand Earth, the B.C. government will give away $1.3 billion in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry this year. (Coastal GasLink)

Nick Boisvert


Aug 09, 2021

The minister responsible for climate change and the environment said revenue generated by pipelines will help Canada transition to a low-emission future. (Jason Franson//The Canadian Press)


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