". . . the idea that the big crime is to build a pipeline, and not potentially blow it up – that idea has a very broad appeal.”
Apr. 21, 2023
Andreas Malm says he has no hope in ‘dominant classes’, and urges more radical approach to climate activism
International climate diplomacy is hopeless, the author of How to Blow Up a Pipeline has said, as the film adaptation of the radical environmentalist book is released.
NANAIMO, B.C. — The B.C. Prosecution Service has withdrawn contempt charges against 11 old-growth logging protesters accused of breaching a court injunction during blockades at Fairy Creek on Vancouver Island.
Spokesman Gordon Comer said prosecutors were in court Tuesday to enter the withdrawals, and the service is reviewing other cases after a ruling that acquitted protester Ryan Henderson earlier this year.
"By focusing on pressure campaigns against private actors with no direct effect on the fossil fuel industry, well-intentioned people inadvertently delay the necessary struggle to win and engage state power to phase out the extraction and production of fossil fuels.". . . . "Indeed, doing so buys into the neoliberal logic that government can do nothing when, in fact, only government can shut down the fossil fuel industry."
Is ‘renewable’ natural gas a climate solution — or masterful greenwashing?
Each time Tim Crossin turns on his gas fireplace to heat the modest home he shares with his partner, the avowed environmentalist "assuages" his climate guilt with a reminder that he is paying a premium for so-called "renewable" natural gas.