
Eric Reguly

Whether or not you want one, can afford one or think they will do essentially nothing to stop global warming, electric vehicles are coming to Canada en masse. This week, the Canadian government set 2035 as the “mandatory target” for the sale of zero-emission SUVs and light-duty trucks.

That means the sale of gasoline and diesel cars has to stop by then. Transport Minister Omar Alghabra called the target “a must.” The previous target was 2040.

Elana Shepert
A disturbing flyer that claims "anitwhiteism" is on the rise was seen on Metro Vancouver transit on June 9, 2021.Photo via willie1989/Getty Images and @gloomybb / Twitter
June 10, 2021

A disturbing flyer that claims "anitwhiteism" is on the rise has been seen on Metro Vancouver transit. 

An image of a flyer is circulating on social media that asks people to "report antiwhite behaviour" they observe in North Delta and Surrey's Newton area. It also contains a link to a website called "No White Guilt" which features several disturbing videos.

The flyer was reportedly discovered on the side of a TransLink bus. 

Nathan Davidowicz
We Ride Public Transit Vancouver

Starting today ( 1030 to 1130 am ) and every Weekday in June 2021 many concerned citizens will be protesting outside MLA Minister George Heyman Office at 642 W. Broadway

Eric Doherty
Photo: Crews work on highway resurfacing in B.C., 2019. (B.C. Department of Transportation / Flickr)

APRIL 21, 2021

Federal government must follow U.S. shift away from highway expansion

With all eyes on President Biden’s Earth Day climate summit Thursday, it’s important to understand how his $2-trillion infrastructure plan proposes an unprecedented shift in federal spending away from highway expansion and toward public transit. The ripples from this historic shift in the land of urban freeways are already starting to be felt in Canada and around the world.

Mark Beeching, president, Amalgamated Transit Union local 1724
A HandyDART vehicle.

Apr 8, 2021

Union president speaks out about changes to HandyDART system


TransLink is proposing an onerous and intimidating interview process to decide if seniors and people with disabilities are disabled enough to ride HandyDART - resurrecting painful ideas with questionable motives.

Free Transit Toronto
Public Transit

March 31, 2021

The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is developing a 5-year fare policy review and plan, along with a 10-year “collection” outlook, both to be included in a policy framework by the end of 2021. A relevant TTC document claims that:

Eric Doherty
Aerial view of a biofuel crop harvested in Kahului, Maui, Hawaii, on March 5, 2018. Photo by Forest and Kim Starr/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 3.0 US)

January 5th 2021

On Dec. 16, the B.C. government released the CleanBC 2020 Climate Change Accountability Report, which revealed that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transportation, the single biggest source in B.C., have risen by 23 per cent since 2007, and six per cent in 2018 alone.

Sponsored by Socialist Project, Free Transit Toronto, and Centre for Social Justice.

[Editor: While this is mainly about Toronto the discussion is also quite relevant to other parts of Canada.]

January 3, 2021


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