Oliver Wainwright
 Empowerment … a ‘lowrider’ convention in Los Angeles. Photograph: Victoria & Albert Museum

Transforming everything from cities to the climate, the car is perhaps the most important designed object of the 20th century. Our critic travels to the Detroit plant where it all began

Jeffery R. Webber & Forrest Hylton
“Instead of society conquering a new content for itself, it only seems that the state has returned to its most ancient form, the unashamedly simple rule of the military sabre and the clerical cowl.”  Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte

In office since 2006, Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, has been overthrown in a coup d’état. Debate on how this happened and what it all means has been proliferating on the international left. Ashley Smith talked with Jeffery R. Webber and Forrest Hylton, two long-time observers of Bolivia, to get a better sense of the issues at stake.

15 November 2019

What kind of coup has taken place in Bolivia, and what are the stakes in labelling it a coup?


Matt Wilgress
Interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez talks during a conference at the presidential palace on November 13, 2019 in La Paz, Bolivia. Javier Mamani / Getty Images

In Bolivia, the military, police, and right-wing extremists have carried out a coup against the elected government. They intend to remain in power by violently suppressing the country's indigenous and poor.

November 14, 2019

Michael Hiltzik
 Oct 28, 2019
The judge overseeing PG&E’s probation after its criminal conviction in connection with the 2010 gas line explosion that killed eight in San Bruno criticized the company for spending on campaign contributions and distributing $5 billion in shareholder dividends prior to filing for bankruptcy.
John Nichols

Nov. 10, 2019

Her win is a sweet victory for foes of big corporate money in politics—but it really was a struggle.

Gene McGuckin
November 10, 2019
Comrade Sawant,
    At a meeting this afternoon the Vancouver Ecosocialists (British Columbia) voted enthusiastically to send you our hugely delighted congratulations on your re-election to Seattle City Council. We recognize this victory, in the face of capital's contemptible, anti-democratic attempt to purchase your defeat, as a tribute to the time, energy, and creative effort you have expended during your first two terms on behalf of the working people of Seattle and on behalf of all working people. Thank you!
Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad
Evo Morales and Alvaro García Linera in a mobilization on October 28 in La Paz. Photo: Evo Morales twitter

[Editor: At our meeting we, (those attending the Vancouver Ecosocialist Group meeting of Nov. 10, 2019),  agreed to endorse and post to our website and social media the denunciation below of the coup attempt against Evo Morales.

Lee Fang
The Pacific Gas & Electric logo on a truck seen through raindrops on a window on Jan. 15, 2019, in San Francisco. Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
November 4 2019
THE DECISION BY Pacific Gas & Electric to declare bankruptcy in January did not prevent the utility giant from continuing to spend big on political influence in California’s Statehouse.


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