Industry Spin

Nancy Olewiler Kathryn Harrison Kate Harland
B.C. consumers aren't getting the whole story about renewable natural gas, also known as biofuels. Photo by Oregon Department of Agriculture/Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Mar. 6, 2025

Renewable natural gas is touted as a critical climate solution, but there are serious problems in B.C. with accountability and how emissions benefits are counted from the U.S. 

BC Climate Emergency Campaign and Allies
Feb. 2025
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) has been widely promoted by governments and industry throughout B.C.
as a fix-all solution that will supposedly boost B.C.’s economy, support local jobs, get countries in Asia
off coal, reduce B.C.’s reliance on American energy exports, and lower B.C.’s emissions.
This briefing note explains why LNG is a false solution on all these fronts. It lays out environmental,
Martin Hart-Landsberg

 March 2, 2025  

The leading big tech companies are working hard to sell artificial intelligence (AI) as the gateway to a future of plenty for all. And to this point they have been surprisingly successful in capturing investor money and government support, making their already wealthy owners even wealthier. However, that success doesn’t change the fact that their AI systems have already largely exhausted their potential.

Primary Author: Gaye Taylor

Feb. 20, 2025

Fossil fuel companies are influencing what Canadian students learn about climate change, funding and supplying educational materials that frame the issue to serve their interests, health and climate advocates warn in a new report.

John Woodside
Photo via Trans Mountain / Facebook

Opposition parties are calling for “full transparency” from the federal government about its financial commitments to the Trans Mountain expansion project, following revelations of a $20-billion refinancing loan offered to the beleaguered company.

Tony Richardson
Cory Doctorow

Nov. 1, 2023

In this insightful book review, Tony Richardson summarises and analyses Cory Doctorow's compelling arguments in his latest book about how a few powerful technology companies have come to dominate the internet and other industries.

First of all, Doctorow deals with how Big Tech took control of the internet. He argues that Lovelace, Turing, and others pioneered the internet. In other words, Amazon could not exist without its predecessors.

Jessica Green
A decarbonized economy will require lots of people — some of whom will need extensive training. Photo by Shutterstock

Jan. 29, 2025

The race for Liberal party leadership is on. Former finance minister Chrystia Freeland has announced that if elected Prime Minister, she will get rid of the consumer carbon tax. Former Bank of Canada and Bank of England governor Mark Carney has been cagier about the issue, but may also do the same. 

Joseph Winters
Photo by Getty Images/Grist

Jan. 28, 2025

This story was originally published by Grist and appears here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration

Marty Hart-Landsberg
The AI Craze Continues

Jan. 26. 2025


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