
Protect the Planet Stop TMX
Stop TMX Treesit

Dear friends,


We need YOUR help with direct support of the treesits that are blocking TMX. Non-Arrestable OR Arrestable - you decide. Both are crucial.


University of Victoria
Benjamin Tutolo of the Solid Carbon team measuring the pH of water in his laboratory, University of Calgary. Solid Carbon is led by Ocean Networks Canada, an initiative of UVic. Credit: Qin Zhang

[Editors: We don't think ecosocialists should be ignorant of the tech schemes under experimentation but we do need to maintain a sharply critical attitude.  

This sounds a lot like carbon sequestration on land - who really knows if it will stay down there, and there is evidence in some cases it does not!

Another obvious question is how much energy would have to be expended to put it down there?

Chen Zhou
Stop TMX sign - Chen Zhou

Sept. 10, 2021

Even the NDP refuses to commit to killing the $16-billion, publicly funded pipeline expansion

The overpass trembled as cars sped past, and the noise of the traffic roared as several protestors stood on the sidewalk with “STOP TMX” banners. They waved them at passing vehicles, and those on the Trans-Canada Highway beneath them.

Chris Campbell
Tree sitters aiming to block the Trans Mountain pipeline route in a Burnaby forest say they are “under siege” after contractors erected blue fencing around their protest site on Tuesday.@Honu139/Twitter

Sept. 8 2021

Tree sitters aiming to block the Trans Mountain pipeline route in a Burnaby forest say they are “under siege” after contractors erected blue fencing around their protest site on Tuesday.

*This story has been updated with a response from Trans Mountain and events that took place on Wednesday morning.

Tree sitters aiming to block the Trans Mountain pipeline route in a Burnaby forest say they are “under siege” after contractors erected blue fencing around their protest site on Tuesday.

 Sonali Kolhatkar
Stop Line 3

 September 10, 2021 

On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina made landfall off the coast of Louisiana, triggering a slow-moving disaster as floodwaters breached the levees around New Orleans. Nearly 2,000 people were killed over several weeks, hundreds of thousands of homes were destroyed, and the city was left in ruins. Environmental scientists warned that Katrina was a taste of what was in store for the Gulf Coast region if climate change continued unchecked.

Michelle Gamage
The Liberals pledge to cut carbon emissions — but they spent $4.5 billion to ensure a pipeline expansion went ahead. Photo via Trans Mountain.

If federal parties are serious about taking on climate change, they need to stop giving money to the oil and gas industry, according to two climate experts.

John Woodside
The cost of the Trans Mountain expansion project continues to soar, but by how much exactly is still not clear, according to a new report from West Coast Environmental Law. Photo via TMX / Facebook

September 9th 2021

The costs of the Trans Mountain expansion project continue to soar, but with the company behind it increasingly opaque since Ottawa bought the pipeline, it’s difficult to say by how much, according to a new report from West Coast Environmental Law (WCEL).

Steve Karnowski
Water protector protesters dance and sing along to drumming during a protest against Line 3 and other pipeline projects at the State Capitol in St. Paul, Minn., on Wednesday. (Renee Jones Schneider/Star Tribune via AP)

August 30th 2021

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The Minnesota Court of Appeals on Monday affirmed a decision by state pollution regulators to issue a water quality certification for Enbridge Energy's Line 3 crude oil pipeline, the latest setback for opponents who are trying to stop the project as it nears completion.


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