
Eugene Kung - Staff Lawyer, West Coast Environmental Law
The Trans Mountain Illusion
Government by lies and theft!!! Taxpayer-funded ecocide!!!
Oct. 6, 2022
Enough magic tricks – we're exposing the math on #TransMountain. Watch to learn how the federal government is using corporate shells to hide TMX's full financial picture from the public.
Primary Author: Mitchell Beer
Eva Sleire/Equinor

Sept. 22, 2022

Canada must make an “audacious and hopeful offer” to oil and gas workers communities with a new Climate Emergency Just Transition Transfer to deliver clean economy jobs, the Commons Finance Committee heard yesterday.

Adam D.K. King
Scaffolding - Photo via Josh Sorenson on Pexels.

Sept. 16, 2022

Collectively refusing to work overtime can be illegal in Alberta, highlighting Canada’s poor labour standards.

A couple of weeks ago, workers who install scaffolding at a Suncor Inc. site in Alberta were informed by their employer that if they didn’t stop refusing “voluntary” overtime, they could be fired, fined or possibly jailed. 

Natasha Bulowski
Trans Mountain will not have to come up with an additional $1.1 billion to cover the cleanup cost of possible oil spills from TMX, the Canada Energy Regulator has decided. Photo by Jesse Winter / Canada's National Observer

Aug. 23, 2022

Trans Mountain will not have to come up with an additional $1.1 billion to cover the cleanup cost of possible oil spills from its expansion project, the Canada Energy Regulator has decided.

Geoff Dembicki
Imperial Oil’s refinery in Nanticoke, Ontario. The Exxon subsidiary first examined carbon sequestration in the 1980s.

July 7, 2022

The touted tech is still scarce and pricey, and even oilsands allies counsel caution.

In late June, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney flew to Washington, D.C., with the heads of major oilsands producers to make the case that Canada’s most carbon polluting industry cares deeply about fixing climate change.

Natasha Bulowski
Construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline is seen underway in Kamloops, B.C., Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Jun 24, 2022

Secret reports the federal government is relying on to argue the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is commercially viable are based on the unrealistic assumption the pipeline will operate for 100 years, Canada’s financial watchdog told Canada’s National Observer.

Natasha Bulowski
Trans Mountain says a "slight increase" to its current oil spill liabilities plan will be enough to cover the expansion project, but this falls far short of what the regulator requires, says independent economist Robyn Allan. Photo by Jesse Winter

Jun 15, 2022

When Trans Mountain's new pipeline and facilities are ready to operate, the company says "a slight increase" to its $1-billion liabilities plan for the existing pipeline will be sufficient to cover the risk of an oil spill on either the current line or its new counterpart.

Mitchell Beer
Frank Gruber/flickr

June 1, 2022

The decision by Canada’s six biggest banks to sink another $10 billion into the troubled Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is no surprise after a federal loan guarantee made it a straightforward business decision to back the project, says the financial analyst who accurately predicted the decision 2½ months ago.

Colette Derworiz
A picker unloads pipe from a truck and stacks it in a Trans Mountain yard in Edson, Alta. (Terry Reith/CBC)

May 10, 2022

UCP government has called the Impact Assessment Act a 'Trojan Horse'

The Alberta Court of Appeal says the federal government's environmental impact law is unconstitutional.

The Alberta government, calling it a Trojan Horse, had challenged the Impact Assessment Act over what the province argued was its overreach into provincial powers.

Amanda Stephenson The Canadian Press
Cenovus CEO Alex Pourbaix in Calgary, Alta., Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020. The Canadian Press/Jeff McIntosh

Apr. 27, 2022

The investment tax credit unveiled by the federal government earlier this month isn't enough to convince Canada's major oilsands producers to begin construction on a proposed massive carbon capture and storage transportation line, the chief executive of Cenovus Energy Inc. said Wednesday.


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