Climate Change

Concerned Organizations

March 23, 2020


To the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, 

Cc: Federal Cabinet Ministers 


Eric Doherty
Docked cruise ships - photo sgbirch/flickr

March 20, 2020

The measures taken to stop the pandemic have set a new standard for our collective response to the climate crisis

If a few months ago I suggested that we should shrink the cruise ship industry as a response to the climate emergency, you would probably have rolled your eyes. But now that the cruise industry is on the verge of a shutdown that could bankrupt major operators, does it seem so impossible?

The Energy Mix
Carbon Concentration

March 15, 2020

The fight for climate action offers a “cautionary tale” for policy-makers looking to accelerate their efforts to #FlattenTheCurve on COVID-19—as well as on how to best stimulate the global economy in the pandemic’s aftermath, reports the New York Times.

Robert Hunziker

MARCH 18, 2020

A recent landmark study of massive ice loss in Antarctica and Greenland fulfills the “worst case” prognosis, as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It’s a nightmare come true, as the impact of global warming on the planet’s most significant/biggest masses of ice multiplied six-fold in only 30 years. It wasn’t supposed to happen so unexpectedly, so suddenly.

Neela Banerjee
Dr. Aaron Bernstein has witnessed firsthand how climate change and public health are intertwined. Credit: Kris Snibbe/Harvard University

MAR 12, 2020

Air pollution makes people more vulnerable to respiratory infections; climate change brings people in closer contact with animals that can spread disease.

Doctors and public health researchers are getting an increasingly accurate and nuanced picture of the many ways climate change damages human health. 

CBC Radio The Current

Mar 12, 2020

Writer and environmentalist Bill McKibben says the adaptations we make to fight the COVID-19 outbreak could hold valuable lessons elsewhere — in the efforts to mitigate climate change. 10:56

Listen here.

Carl Meyer
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enters the House of Commons from a hallway in West Block on Feb. 18, 2020. Photo by Kamara Morozuk

March 11th 2020

The Trudeau government should not use the oil-price crash and the economic downturn stemming from a public-health crisis as an excuse to back away from environmental commitments in the upcoming federal budget, warned a coalition of civil society leaders.

Speaking on Parliament Hill on Tuesday, representatives from Indigenous, labour, social justice and other organizations said now was not the time for Canada to shy away from tackling the climate emergency.


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