Climate Change

Chris Campbell
A banner hung on the Kensington overpass that spans Highway 1 in Burnaby. Submitted photo

Aug. 27, 2020

People opposed to the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project blanketed Burnaby overpasses on Wednesday afternoon.

Sarah Rieger
Journalist Kristian Lindhardt was denied entry into Canada, where he has been working on a documentary about Indigenous opposition to the federal government-owned Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. (Submitted by Kristian Lindhardt)

[Another take on this story.]

Aug 23, 2020

Stephanie Wood
Fraser River sockeye salmon returns in three of the past five years have seen record lows. Photo: Watershed Watch / Flicker

Aug 17, 2020

Even a low-ball prediction for the number of sockeye returning to B.C. river was too high and First Nations and conservationists say government mismanagement and lice infestations are partly to blame

Scientists at the Pacific Salmon Commission knew 2020 wouldn’t be a great year for Fraser River sockeye salmon — but they didn’t know it would be this bad.

Charlie Smith
Bill Morneau resigned as finance minister today. He also said that he won't seek reelection in his Toronto riding.

 August 17th, 2020

Today's resignation of Canada's finance minister, Bill Morneau, has been the talk of the chattering classes in Ottawa and Toronto.

But here in southwestern B.C., he'll always be remembered as the man who forced an economically absurd pipeline on residents of this region, including the Coast Salish peoples.


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