Indigenous Environmental Network, Global Justice Ecology Project and Shawnee Forest Defense!
Please join Indigenous Environmental Network, Global Justice Ecology Project and Shawnee Forest Defense! in October for The Resurgence: 2019 Forest & Climate Movement Convergencewhere we will join together diverse movements to build strategies with action to fundamentally transform the system that is destroying life on Earth.
18 concrete ways to make the urgently needed climate mobilization a reality
A Green New Deal mobilization will require millions of workers and a sense of urgency unlike anything the nation has ever done. (Image: Labor Network for Sustainability)
In the welter of daily demands upon physicians, it might be easy to imagine that weaning the world off its reliance on fossil fuels is asking a bit too much.
CCPA's senior economist points out that the LNG Canada agreement locks in tax and subsidy provisions for 20 years against future changes by governments.
The B.C. government’s new fiscal framework for LNG is fundamentally at odds with the province’s CleanBC climate plan.
A Green New Deal can’t deliver economic or environmental justice without tackling the housing crisis. We should go big and build 10 million beautiful, public, no-carbon homes over the next 10 years.
Over 1.6 million students across the globe have been striking on Fridays: for the climate, for our future. Here’s 5 ways you can support students going out on strike again on 24 May, and answer their call for real climate action.
THE BANKRUPTCY OF one of the largest domestic coal producers in the country has revealed that the company maintains financial ties to many of the leading groups that have sowed doubt over the human causes of global warming.