Climate Change

George Monbiot
Refugees at the Greek-Macedonian border in 2016. ‘In the 21st century rising resource consumption has matched or exceeded the rate of economic growth.’ Photograph: Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP/Getty Images

The economic system is incompatible with the survival of life on Earth. It is time to design a new one

Greta Thunberg

My name is Greta Thunberg. I am 16 years old. I come from Sweden. And I speak on behalf of future generations.

I know many of you don’t want to listen to us – you say we are just children. But we’re only repeating the message of the united climate science.

Barry Saxifrage
Canada will take centuries to reach its climate targets at the pace it is going. (photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels)

April 25th 2019

Last week, the Canadian government released its annual greenhouse gas report, which now includes data for 2017.

George Monbiot
 ‘Catastrophe afflicts people now and, unlike those in the rich world who can still afford to wallow in despair, they are forced to respond in practical ways.’ Photograph: Guillem Sartorio/AFP/Getty Images

No one is coming to save us. Mass civil disobedience is essential to force a political response

Had we put as much effort into preventing environmental catastrophe as we’ve spent on making excuses for inaction, we would have solved it by now. Everywhere I look, I see people engaged in furious attempts to fend off the moral challenge it presents.

Daniel Tanuro

How can we reconcile social struggle and environmental struggle? This question poses problems for trade unionists. To avoid a climate catastrophe, it would be necessary to reduce economic activity, to suppress useless or harmful production, to give up a substantial part of the means of transport ... But what would happen to employment then? How can we avoid a surge of unemployment, a new rise of poverty and precariousness? In today’s relationship of forces, in the face of financialized and globalized capitalism, these challenges seem impossible to meet ...

Mia Rabson

OTTAWA — The return of oil and gas production following the devastating Fort McMurray wildfire and a colder than usual winter pushed Canada’s national greenhouse gas emissions up in 2017 for the first time in several years, a new report says.

The latest national inventory report on emissions, filed this week with the United Nations climate change secretariat, showed 716 million tonnes of greenhouse gases were produced in Canada in 2017, an increase of eight million tonnes from 2016.

Samantha Edwards
 APRIL 17, 2019
Naomi Klein and the Leap are looking to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's proposed stimulus program as Canadians prepare to go to the polls

[See video A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez here.]

Alex Ballingall
A new poll suggests many Canadians support the idea of a huge public spending blitz to address climate change, similar to what politicians in the United States like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have dubbed a “Green New Deal.”  (SAUL LOEB / AFP/GETTY IMAGES FILE PHOTO)

Wed., April 17, 2019


OTTAWA—A new poll suggests many Canadians support the idea of a huge public spending blitz to address climate change, similar to what politicians in the United States have dubbed a “Green New Deal.”


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