If you're like me, you've been appalled by the lack of discussion of real climate action in the media amidst the massive storms and fires this summer. With that in mind, we're excited to be working alongside our new colleagues at ClimateTruth.org to demand that journalists drive a real conversation of who's to blame and what's to be done about these climate disasters.
After several weeks of deadly natural disasters that have put climate change in headlines all over the world, hundreds of Montrealers are calling on one of the world's largest investors to divest from fossil fuels.
Unprecedented climate change-fuelled wildfires and hurricanes are a stark global warning that we have little time to contribute to global solutions to save nature, phase out fossil fuels, and leap to a low-carbon economy.
"The private sector and the profit motive cannot deploy enhanced weathering technology at the scale needed, nor push a rapid energy transition, nor build coastal protections at the scale and speed necessary. But none of these tasks is technically or economically impossible. The mechanism needed in each case is state action and the public sector."
Between 1872 and 1882, Frederick Engels worked on a book titled “The Dialectics of Nature” that sought to apply Marxist dialectics to the natural world.