The Calgary-based pipeline company said in an investor presentation Tuesday that it is facing significant cost pressures in Western Canada related to labour costs and shortages of skilled labour, along with contractor underperformance and disputes.
This is being passed on to you via Arctic Sea Ice Forum, What’s New in the Arctic. The forum is a place where scientists studying the arctic get to compare notes. There’s an enormous amount of information there and the scientists report on all the new papers, discussions, technology, etc concerning the Arctic. In the link above, the commentary was: “Another brilliant comprehensive survey of what's going on in the Arctic and in Grønland in the series "Just have a Think".
As the United Nations biodiversity conference draws near, dozens of scientists from 13 countries are calling for protection of the world’s waterlogged, carbon-rich peatlands, a quarter of which exist within Canada’s borders and are threatened by development.
Denial, lies, and now gimmicks--the body count doesn't phase them, as long as the profits keep rolling in. Future intergalactic travelers may highlight humanity as the only species to knowingly make itself extinct.
The feds are investigating claims made by the Canadian Gas Association about its product being ‘clean’ and ‘budget-friendly.’
The Canadian Gas Association is being investigated for alleged greenwashing after it claimed its product was clean, environmentally friendly and affordable in its Fuelling Canada ad campaign.
Former premier John Horgan said CGL is ‘fully permitted’ and DRIPA is ‘forward looking.’ So what about the three other projects authorized for the North?
At the recent COP27 conference in Egypt, B.C. Environment Minister George Heyman was asked about the future of liquified natural gas in B.C.