A years-long international investigation has found ‘scientifically valid evidence’ the massive pits that store toxic waste in the oilsands are leaking, leaving Albertans wondering who’s going to clean them up
There are more than a trillion litres of toxic oilsands waste stored in tailings ponds near Alberta’s Athabasca River — and they’re leaking.
Fisheries Minister Bernadette Jordan, MP for South Shore—St. Margarets, Nova Scotia, will make a decision within the next week that will decide the fate of the Fraser River sockeye salmon.
The CleanBC plan, released two years ago, still doesn’t lay out a credible pathway to meet emissions targets. A look at fracking and LNG helps explain why
When B.C. unveiled its signature CleanBC plan in 2018, onlookers noticed something suspicious: it was full of holes.