. . a very good statement opposing the coup. It is co-authored by seven prominent acadmics, and co-signed by an additional 21 academics and activists. - Tim Kennelly
In the wake of the 2007–08 financial crash, the mainstream debate has not focused on the choice between socialism or barbarism, but rather on ‘reinventing capitalism’.
At a meeting this afternoon the Vancouver Ecosocialists (British Columbia) voted enthusiastically to send you our hugely delighted congratulations on your re-election to Seattle City Council. We recognize this victory, in the face of capital's contemptible, anti-democratic attempt to purchase your defeat, as a tribute to the time, energy, and creative effort you have expended during your first two terms on behalf of the working people of Seattle and on behalf of all working people. Thank you!
[Editor: At our meeting we, (those attending the Vancouver Ecosocialist Group meeting of Nov. 10, 2019), agreed to endorse and post to our website and social media the denunciation below of the coup attempt against Evo Morales.
WE WERE JUST TAKING PICTURES. Of the ash, stray bricks, and weeds. Of twisted metal and charred patio furniture. Of the pine trees still standing on the edge of the lots, their towering trunks now charcoal black. Of the lonely white brick fireplace in the middle of it all, the only surviving structure, metal pokers hanging expectantly by the grate.
[Editor: from their new website - Home page. See more at link.]
BC Ecosocialists
Far to the left of the NDP, far greener than the Greens
What does it mean to be an ecosocialist? We think it means understanding that the rising concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few, at the expense of the many, is hurting many people now, while it also fuels the climate catastrophe that is driving us towards extinction.
"We've never seen something like this in U.S. history. In 2020, Green New Deal voters could determine who wins the Iowa caucuses, and from there the presidency."
Author and environmentalist Naomi Klein, U.S. Youth Climate Strike co-founder Isra Hirsi, and Sunrise Movement leader Zina Precht-Rodriguez are among those slated to join Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Iowa on Saturday for a "Climate Crisis Summit" focused on the urgent need for a Green New Deal.