
Joël Foramitti, Marula Tsagkari, Christos Zografos
Moss Graffiti | Image: Kulturlabor Trial&Error, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

A reduction of economic activity is necessary and just – and can lead to human flourishing.

To sustain the natural basis of our life, we must slow down. We have to reduce the amount of extraction, pollution, and waste throughout our economy. This implies less production, less consumption, and probably also less work.
Geoff Berner
Vancouver protest march fall 2019 - Chris Yakimov

Canada’s newest political party describes itself as greener than the greens and more left than the NDP

Dec. 3, 2019

Vancouver writer and musician Geoff Berner is a board member of Canada’s newest electoral political party, the BC Ecosocialists. The following is an abridged version of a presentation he made on behalf of the board at the party’s official launch, held Oct. 28 in Vancouver.

Murray Bookchin

On August 24, 1978, Murray Bookchin gave a lecture at the Toward Tomorrow Fair in Amherst, Massachusetts. Also speaking at that year’s gathering were several prominent thinkers, including R. Buckminster Fuller and Ralph Nader. In his speech, Bookchin argues against the ideology of futurism and for ecological utopianism. In the Q&A session, he points out that he is not against technology itself, he is against technocracy, and he also describes, in detail, his political vision for the future.

Ian Angus
Capitalism is the Problem - Image by The All-Nite Images via Flickr
November 19, 2019
Environmental destruction isn’t driven by human nature or mistaken ideas. It is an inevitable consequence of a system built on capital accumulation.

Climate & Capitalism editor Ian Angus spoke at an educational conference organized by Socialist Action in Toronto, on November 16, 2019. His talk has been edited for publication.

These sentences are from a recent report on the consequences of climate change:

Carlito Pablo
Former union local president Gene McGuckin is a member of the Vancouver Ecosocialists organization.

November 13th, 2019

Gene McGuckin says he has yet to meet a member of the Green Party of Canada who is an avowed ecosocialist.

William E. Rees
A rational world with a good grasp of reality would have begun articulating a long-term energy and consumption wind-down strategy 20 or 30 years ago.

Yesterday I presented the first of two “Am I wrong?” queries regarding the climate crisis. If you accept my facts, I said, you will see the massive challenge we face in transforming human assumptions and ways of living on Earth.

Verso Books
Evo Morales Nov. 2019
. . a very good statement opposing the coup. It is co-authored by seven prominent acadmics, and co-signed by an additional 21 academics and activists. - Tim Kennelly


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