Indigenous Peoples

Patrick Egwu and Gabriela Ramirez
Companies hope to use new technology to mine the ocean floor. Critics wonder about environmental costs and who will benefit. Photo via the Metals Co.

Dec. 29, 2023

A Vancouver company is pushing to cash in, but critics fear exploitation and damage.

Owen Schalk
Photo: Indigenous land defenders from across the Global South were in Toronto last year demonstrating outside the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada conference | Mining Injustice Solidarity Network on X

Dec. 19, 2023

The ‘green’ transition is spurring a neocolonial rush for minerals

Around the world, Indigenous-led resistance to mining and extraction projects have been intensifying, and it is frequently Canadian companies who are the aggressors, pushing forward with neocolonial land grabs and violent state-sanctioned repression when projects are opposed by locals.

Zsolt Horváth and Tamás Ignácz
Dec. 26, 2023
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent in any way the editorial position of Euronews.

Going electric does not solve our problems, it only deepens them. As engineers, we must say the opinion of the professionals in the industry is contrary to the mainstream, and for good reason, Zsolt Horváth and Tamás Ignácz write.


We’ve known for a long time that our GDP addiction and capitalist economic model are incompatible with life on Earth. 

Paul Street
illustration - wave from smoke stack

Dec. 20, 2023

Followers of my writing have I hope noticed me repeatedly arguing that capitalism produces four mutually reinforcing and multiplying apocalyptic horsemen: ecocide, pandemicide, potentially terminal nuclear war, and fascism.

Capitalism at the Dark Taproot

I want to dig into this formulation here, explaining how capitalism generates each of these apocalyptic menaces and how the “four horsemen” reinforce and indeed multiply each other.

Nina Lakhani
The UN climate chief, Simon Stiell (left); the Cop28 president, Sultan al-Jaber; and Hana al-Hashimi, the chief Cop28 negotiator for the UAE, pose for photos at the end of Cop28. Photograph: Peter Dejong/AP

Dec. 13, 2023

Developing countries call agreement to transition away from fossil fuels ‘unfair’ and ‘inequitable’

As the leaders of the developed world hailed the Cop28 agreement to “transition away” from fossil fuels as historic, Indigenous people, frontline communities and climate justice groups rebuked the deal as unfair, inequitable and business as usual.

Protect the Planet
Protect the Planet - logo

For Immediate Release

Dec 11, 2023

Land Defenders chain themselves to Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion (TMX) boring tunnel to protect sacred Secwépemc territory

Brent Patterson
Still from Brandi Morin video

Dec. 10, 2023


Open trench construction for the Government of Canada-owned Trans Mountain pipeline near Pipsell (Jacko Lake) is underway despite the opposition of land defenders.

Andrew Nikiforuk
We pretend extracting more metals to build bigger vehicles whose electricity is largely powered by fossil fuels is progress. Photo via Shutterstock.

Dec. 8, 2023

Sputtering EV promises, in 13 scenes. And the true road to surviving the climate crisis.


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