Indigenous Peoples

BC Climate Emergency Campaign
Where do BC cabinet ministers stand on the defining climate question of our time?

Go to the link here to find the answers:

And if you think anyone is listed in the wrong category, or if you have intel on a minister listed in the "unknown" category, please reach out the BC Climate Emergency Campaign Coordinator at

Darren Major, Olivia Stefanovich
The class-action lawsuit against Ottawa was based largely on a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling which found Ottawa discriminated against First Nations children and families. (Chad Hipolito/The Canadian Press)

Oct. 24, 2023

The settlement agreement is the largest ever in Canada


The Federal Court has approved a $23 billion settlement agreement — the largest in Canadian history — for First Nations children and families who experienced racial discrimination through Ottawa's chronic underfunding of the on-reserve foster care system and other family services.

The Directors of the West Coast Climate Action Network
An Open Appeal to Premier Eby and B.C. MLAs

Fall, 2023

The Climate Crisis: We Implore You to Act with More Urgency

An Open Appeal to Premier Eby and B.C. MLAs



Appeal to Premier Eby 

Dear Premier Eby, and every British Columbia MLA,

Greetings! We are the West Coast Climate Action Network. We have 236  member groups across B.C., representing hundreds of thousands of voters. Our member organizations have authorized us to speak out. 

Donna Clark
Swaysən Will George outside the courthouse in Vancouver. Photo by Donna Clark

Oct. 18, 2023

Swaysən Will George’s name in hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ means, “When he speaks, they listen.”

Pollon, Christopher
Super Pit gold mine at Kalgoorlie in Western Australia, 2005

Oct. 7, 2023

The world must minimize the environmental and social costs of mining.  Gold is a good place to start

Christopher Pollon is the author of Pitfall: The Race to Mine the World’s Most Vulnerable Places, from which this essay has been adapted.

At Barrick Gold Corp.’s 2021 annual general meeting, I was waiting in an online queue with a few other journalists when my turn came to ask a question of chief executive Mark Bristow, who at that moment presided over the second-biggest gold mining company on Earth.

Amanda Stephenson
In this photograph taken with a drone, workers lay pipe during construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion on farmland, in Abbotsford, B.C. Photo by: The Canadian Press/Darryl Dyck

Sept, 28, 2023

CALGARY — A B.C. First Nation is asking the Canada Energy Regulator to release its reasons as soon as possible for allowing a modification of the Trans Mountain pipeline's route.

In a letter to the regulator dated Wednesday, a lawyer representing the Stk’emlúpsemc te Secwépemc Nation (SSN) said the decision to grant the route deviation Monday without providing its reasons has left the First Nation without the ability to decide its next steps.

Vipal Monga
Flying over the Hudson Bay Lowlands to the Ring of Fire in Northern Ontario.

Sept. 28, 2023

$67 Billion of Rare Minerals Is Buried Under One of the World’s Biggest Carbon Sinks

A fight is brewing in Canada about how, or whether, to dig out materials essential for EV batteries that lie deep beneath vast peat bogs

The pace of the global transition to electric vehicles depends on the future of a remote region in Canada known as the Ring of Fire.

Amanda Stephenson
Workers place pipe during construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion on farmland in Abbotsford, B.C., on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Sept. 25, 2023

The Canada Energy Regulator has approved Trans Mountain Corp.'s application to modify the pipeline's route, a decision that could spare the government-owned pipeline project from an additional nine-month delay.

The regulator made the ruling Monday, just one week after hearing oral arguments from Trans Mountain and a B.C. First Nation that opposes the route change.

It didn't release the reasons for its decision Monday, saying those will be publicized in the coming weeks.


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