Website Editor: A great summary of Canada's fossil fuels situation and politics in this article.
Nov. 22, 2022
Canada wants to be the last country producing fossil fuels, even if it kills us
COP27 is over. The UN summit took one big step forward on climate justice with the creation of a loss and damage fund for the most impacted nations, while taking two enormous steps backwards by failing to call for a phaseout of all fossil fuels.
Eriel Tchekwie Deranger’s home community of Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation is in what she calls a “sacrifice zone.” The nation borders the oil production epicentre of Canada: the oilsands, which leak toxic chemicals and wreak havoc on local ecosystems.
The world’s wealthiest polluting countries spend at least 15 times more on military and arms than climate finance for the world’s most vulnerable countries, a new report revealed in the final week of COP27 negotiations.
". . . BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau said she was concerned that the bills failed to mention non-market housing or protect against real estate investment trusts buying and redeveloping strata housing.. . . " indeed!
Nov. 22, 2022
Two bills aim to increase condo rentals and set housing growth targets for cities.
On Monday, the British Columbia government introduced two bills aimed at easing the province’s housing crisis.
The group Urgency of Normal published a National Post article that misinforms, denying grave risks from lax school protections.
Just weeks after schools reopened this fall, the National Post published an opinion piece titled “Let the old normal reign in schools without the threat of COVID restrictions.”
Oakland, California – It’s been a long-term problem addressing the homeless crisis in Oakland and now those at the center of the fight are trying their own solutions.
A group of unhoused individuals are buying land and building their own community to get people off the street permanently.
The land on MaCarthur Boulevard and 76th Avenue is where they plan to build their own rent-free permanent housing community.
“This dream of Homefulness is a homeless people solution to homelessness,” said Tiny, co-founder of the organization Homefulness.
A year after catastrophic floods in B.C.'s Fraser Valley, some are concerned the recovery is too focused on trying to fight water with bigger engineering, instead of embracing a global movement to work with water and prioritize nature-based solutions
This story is part of Going with the Flow, a series that dives into how restoring nature can help with B.C.’s flood problems — and what’s stopping us from doing it.
"It is tempting to battle capitalist internationalization by countering it with a working-class internationalism. Specific acts of international solidarity are, of course, possible, and an internationalist sensibility is paramount. But we cannot act substantively on the international stage without being strong at home.