
John Woodside
 The RBC building in Toronto on Thursday, April 7, 2022. Photo by Christopher Katsarov / Canada's National Observer

Dec. 6. 2022

A new front in the fight against climate change is emerging as Canada’s largest bank and top fossil fuel financier, RBC, plans to buy the Canadian arm of one of Europe’s top fossil fuel-financing banks, HSBC.

The proposed deal would see RBC buy HSBC Canada, a subsidiary of the London-headquartered bank HSBC, for $13.5 billion. If the deal goes through, it would mean adding $134 billion worth of assets to RBC’s books, along with more than 130 branches in Canada and over 4,000 employees.

Jen St. Denis
The number of tents on E. Hastings Street often impedes access to doorways and the sidewalk, leading to conflict in the neighbourhood. Photo for The Tyee by Jen St. Denis.

Dec. 5, 2022

People who are homeless on Vancouver’s East Hastings Street continue to have tents and other belongings removed by city workers, a situation advocates say is leaving some without shelter as temperatures drop.

PHS Community Services Society, an agency that runs permanent and emergency winter shelters and other housing, says space is extremely tight right now, with people turned away every night from two shelters the organization runs in the Downtown Eastside.

Scott Ritter
Russian President Vladimir Putin with then German Chancellor Angela Merkel on May 10, 2015, at the Kremlin. (Russian Government)

Dec. 5, 2022

War, it seems, was the only option Russia’s opponents had ever considered.

Recent comments by former German Chancellor Angela Merkel shed light on the duplicitous game played by Germany, France, Ukraine and the United States in the lead-up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February.

Marjorie Cohn
People with a banner calling for freedom for Julian Assange participate in the national demonstration against the war in Ukraine and all wars on November 5, 2022 in Rome, Italy. SIMONA GRANATI - CORBIS / CORBIS VIA GETTY IMAGES

Dec. 4, 2022

Leaders of Brazil and Australia are also urging dismissal of U.S. charges against Julian Assange.

In a stunning development earlier this week, The New York Times, the Guardian, Le Monde, DER SPIEGEL and El País signed a joint open letter calling on the U.S. government to dismiss the Espionage Act charges against Julian Assange for publishing classified military and diplomatic secrets.

Sam Pizzigati
Patty Bitterli of MoveOn calls on Senator Marco Rubio's office to increase federal taxes to big corporations on May 17, 2021 in Tampa, Florida. (Photo: Gerardo Mora/Getty Images for MoveOn)
FYI - Canadian Federal Income tax rates in 2021:
  • $49,020 or less. 15% 
  • $49,020 to $98,040. 20.5% 
  • $98,040 to $151,978. 26% 
  • $151,978 to $216,511. 29% 
  • More than $216,511. 33% 
  • * These amounts are adjusted for inflation and other factors in each tax year.

Dec. 3, 2022

Amanda Stephenson
The terminus for the Coastal GasLink natural gas pipeline is seen at the LNG Canada export terminal under construction in Kitimat, B.C., on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. File photo by The Canadian Press/Darryl Dyck

Nov. 30, 2022

TC Energy Corp. is expecting what it calls a "material increase" in the cost of its Coastal GasLink pipeline project.

The Calgary-based pipeline company said in an investor presentation Tuesday that it is facing significant cost pressures in Western Canada related to labour costs and shortages of skilled labour, along with contractor underperformance and disputes.

Arctic Sea Ice Forum - Just Have a Think

Sept. 2022

This is being passed on to you via Arctic Sea Ice Forum, What’s New in the Arctic.  The forum is a place where scientists studying the arctic get to compare notes.  There’s an enormous amount of information there and the scientists report on all the new papers, discussions, technology, etc concerning the Arctic.  In the link above, the commentary was: “Another brilliant comprehensive survey of what's going on in the Arctic and in Grønland in the series "Just have a Think". 

Stewart Phillip, Peter McCartney, Seth Klein, Tracey Saxby, Alexandra Woodsworth, Kiki Wood, Jens Wieting
LNG Canada site construction activities in Kitimat in September. jpg



Website editor: Indigenous leader and many prominent BC environmental non-governmental organizations speaking together here.  Good to see.

Dec. 2, 2022


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