
Friends of the Earth
My Money, My Say! poster

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) deductions are collected by the government and given to CPP Investments, an independent crown corporation tasked with investing our money on behalf of Canadians. The fund has grown to $523 billion making it one of the largest pension funds in the world.

Rather than use its huge power to help move Canada to a green economy, CPP Investments has chosen to support the polluting fossil fuel-based economy, while claiming climate change is important.

Joe Matthews
US money - Photo by Pixabay

Sept. 28, 2022

Democracy vouchers can, in the short term, make campaigns fair, finally giving everyday people, and especially low-income people, a voice in our democracy.

Would our democracy work better if all of us were campaign donors?

That’s the proposition posed by democracy vouchers, an idea with Seattle origins that has reached the Golden State.

Jim Robbins
Wind turbines on the Whitelee wind farm in Scotland. Photo by Ian Dick / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Diana Johnstone
Shared sentiments. Scholz and Zelensky in Kiev, 14 February 2022. (President of Ukraine.)

Interesting and troubling development for sure, but it's curious (and troubling) that the Johnstone makes no attempt to offer--or direct readers toward--an alternative analysis of the crimes of Stalinism, which I do not consider crimes of socialism/communism. 

                 -- Gene McGuckin

Sept. 27, 2022

Peter Yeung
Paris - Credit: Shutterstock

Note the article's discussion of how people's class status intersects with auto ownerships and use.

            - Gene McGuckin


 Sept. 26, 2022

First Nations leaders
Map of territory

Sept. 26, 2022

Dear allies of Gidim’ten checkpoint,

As you will know, we have reached another flashpoint in the Wet’suwet’en’s struggle against the CGL pipeline. Having fought to protect the sacred headwaters of Wedzwin kwa, they are now faced with the possibility of imminent drilling. Today, the hereditary chiefs are holding a press conference and issuing an eviction notice. They are issuing a call to action, which we are relaying to you.


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