The BC Civil Liberties Association, Pivot Legal Society, #Justice for Jared, The Union of BC Indian Chiefs and the family of Haida Elder Jimmie Johannesson
Police killings, in general, have to end. Since a high percentage of those killed (and injured) are Indigenous people and others of non-European lineage, the specific aims outlined below are way overdue. Please take a look, give it some thought, and do what you can. And please forward this widely.
Costs, dangers, comparisons with renewables, the weapons connection, experiences in France and elsewhere--this is a very comprehensive, albeit brief examination the the nuclear power option.
"The study effectively warns that the planet already left a safe climate state when it passed 1 C of global warming." . . ." But current policies are actually set to result in about 2.6 C of warming. "
Sept. 11, 2022
2 of the tipping points at highest risk are in Canada
Current rates of global warming have already moved the world perilously close to several tipping points that could send key global weather systems into irreversible collapse, a significant study from Europe has found.
This article reminds me of a cartoon I saw 50+ years ago: Henry Ford and a union leader are overlooking an assembly line. Ford says, "No workers here are going on strike!" The union leader replies, "Nope, and none who will buy Fords either."
Webpage Editor: Apart from the concerns mentioned in the article I wonder about the energy that would be necessary to operate these systems and their large scale and the high cost of the technology. And what about their vulnerability to extreme environmental conditions?
"People's misery makes capitalists' superprofit," said one critic as commodity traders make a killing off worldwide food and energy chaos.
Russia's war on Ukraine has wreaked havoc on global commodity markets, driving up energy and food prices and exacerbating hunger emergencies around the world.
"We're in a market where speculators are driving prices up."