OTTAWA - The building used to feature endless cubicles, long hallways and fluorescent lighting.
Now, the same spaces house modern apartments featuring granite countertop islands, fully furnished bedrooms and living rooms with views looking out to the Gatineau Hills.
The Canada Energy Regulator has approved Trans Mountain Corp.'s application to modify the pipeline's route, a decision that could spare the government-owned pipeline project from an additional nine-month delay.
The regulator made the ruling Monday, just one week after hearing oral arguments from Trans Mountain and a B.C. First Nation that opposes the route change.
It didn't release the reasons for its decision Monday, saying those will be publicized in the coming weeks.
It reminds me a lot of Keystone XL saga, but with perhaps even more at stake.
The great privilege of being a journalist is that you get to ask questions, and people generally answer them, so you find stuff out. And sometimes that stuff is shocking.
Further: "This decision and announcement came after nearly a year of reporting from The Narwhal and the Toronto Star, which exposed Ford’s plan to open up the Greenbelt and fill the pockets of his developer buddies." - The Maple Newsletter - Sept. 25/23