Tenants take back power from landlords through strike action
When Mohamad Khalil Aldroubi heard that his landlord would be increasing the rent by up to 5.5 per cent starting last May, he started knocking on his neighbours’ doors.
Aldroubi’s family has lived at an apartment complex at 71 Thorncliffe Park Dr., Toronto, since 2015. He has five kids. Like him, other tenants at other apartment complexes at 71, 75, and 79 Thorncliffe Park were already struggling to manage previous rate hikes.
Canada was on track to be a leader in high-speed rail—and then we chose highways. But we don’t have to stay married to cars. Trains hold one key to accessibility, climate safety, and colonial restitution.
As Canada rolled out a host of climate policies aimed at the fossil fuel industry, Shell sat down with Energy and Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson to discuss the fate of its massive LNG project on the West Coast, documents reveal.
Virtual Slave Labor Supports Congo Cobalt Mines - Men are making $1 a day, women 80 cents a day, and their children work in the mines instead of going to school.
Following is an interview conducted by Ann Garrison with Maurice Carney, Executive Director of Friends of the Congo, about the virtual slave labor in the cobalt mines of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s cobalt mines.