Sometimes, in the eye of a storm, it can be hard to tell when the winds have shifted. Victories often don’t occur in a clear-cut timeline, nor can they always be pinpointed to a specific event. Darkest before the dawn, as they say. When we look back at this time, maybe — just maybe — the spring and summer of 2023 will be remembered as a pivot period.
As the school year starts, the B.C. Green Party is calling on the government to support a universal school food program. B.C. Greens leader Sonia Furstenau explains what the party is calling for and why.
At least 12 people have died in Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria as flash floods from torrential rainstorms turned rivers into torrents, swept away bridges and inundated streets, homes and public buildings.
Boosters shots are critical, even for those who have tested positive.
Despite researchers’ efforts to understand SARS-CoV-2, the virus continues to hold many secrets. As much as we’ve tried to shoehorn it into our thinking about how respiratory viruses work, it will simply not comply.
Some thought the virus would settle into a strictly seasonal pattern. It hasn’t.