
Damian Carrington
Ending fossil fuel subsidies should be the centrepiece of climate action, the IMF said. Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA

Aug. 24, 2023

Oil, gas and coal benefited from $7tn in support in 2022 despite being primary cause of climate crisis

Fossil fuels benefited from record subsidies of $13m (£10.3m) a minute in 2022, according to the International Monetary Fund, despite being the primary cause of the climate crisis.

Sam Gindin
UPS workers with signs - Just Contract

 August 24, 2023  

There is a debilitating tendency on the Left to instantly judge bargaining settlements as either sellouts or breakthroughs. But neither the cynicism nor the cheerleading gets us very far in grasping the actual significance of these agreements.

Marc Fawcett-Atkinson
Hundreds of doctors, nurses and health-care workers across Canada have issued a public health advisory about natural gas, said Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment president Melissa Lem. Photo by Marc Fawcett-Atkinson/National Observer

Aug. 24, 2023

Hundreds of doctors, nurses and other Canadian health-care professionals have issued a public health advisory on the health harms of expanding B.C.'s fracking and natural gas infrastructure amidst the climate crisis.

Crawford Kilian
Students return to the University of British Columbia campus in September 2022. Classes start again soon, but the post-secondary system needs to change in response to these times. Photo via Shutterstock.

Aug. 25, 2023

BC burns and a new school year beckons. Is what we teach out of step with the times?

Brandi Morin
Uncle Rico continues to sing and drum as RCMP CIRG officers arrest them at Savage Patch, a camp blockading old growth logging, in Pacheedaht territory near Port Renfrew, British Columbia. All photos by Amber Bracken

Aug. 23, 2023

Inside the fight to save one of the last ancient old growth forests on the planet

Not long past the break of dawn, along a remote road deep in the unceded, forested mountains of southern Vancouver Island, the steady blaring of a conch shell sends a warning through the trees.

A raid is coming.

In the Savage Patch camp, a new front in a years-long struggle over the fate of some of the country’s oldest trees, a small group of forest defenders scurry to pack sleeping bags and douse the fire that kept them warm through the night.

Anticapitalist Resistance
Ecosocialism 2023

Aug. 23, 2023

Appeal proposes conference to discuss strategy and turn theory into action

This appeal was published on August 23 by the British group Anticapitalist Resistance. This is an important initiative, but its success will depend whether it involves a wide range of ecosocialist currents in launching a non-sectarian and action-oriented coalition. 


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