'Alternative' energy and less energy

Max Fawcett
Illustration by Ata Ojani/National Observer

Proposed upgrades to B.C.'s efficiency standards for furnaces, water heaters and other home-heating appliances are coming under fire from some contractors and the province's far right.

Chris Hatch
Steam rising from the Nesjavellir Geothermal Power Station in Iceland

Feb. 18, 2024

Mother Nature’s Icelandic lava show has been an impressive reminder that we are surrounded in every direction by awesome amounts of energy. Photons shower down, water cascades, wind blows while waves pulse and tides flow. And the Earth beneath our feet stores heat from the sun’s rays above while generating its own from dark sources below.

Primary Author: Compiled by Mitchell Beer
Jon Sullivan/flickr  The federal government is getting mixed reviews for proposing major regulatory changes that offer up more flexibility for power producers to burn natural gas and embrace carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, but contain no specifics on how the revisions would affect greenhouse gas emissions.  The 11-page update [pdf] on Ottawa’s proposed Clean Electricity Regulations (CER), released on a Friday afternoon before a long weekend, was billed as a “what we heard” report from the first

Feb. 20, 2024

The federal government is getting mixed reviews for proposing major regulatory changes that offer up more flexibility for power producers to burn natural gas and embrace carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, but contain no specifics on how the revisions would affect greenhouse gas emissions.

Nelson Bennett
Megan Leslie, president of the World Wildlife Fund, in fireside chat with B.C. Premier David Eby at Globe Forum. Nelson Bennett, BIV

Feb. 14, 2024

B.C. premier staking political career on strong climate action policies

With consumers feeling the bite of ever-increasing carbon taxes, and business leaders pushing back on the potential economic costs of B.C.’s climate change policies, David Eby’s NDP government is coming under increasing pressure to take its foot off the CleanBC accelerator.

Mitchell Beer
road bridge - abdallahh/wikimedia commons

A better headline for this might be "EVs, Highways, and Pre-Election Squabbling" - Gene McGuckin

Feb. 18, 2024

Canada's environment minister stepped into an essential conversation on traffic, congestion, climate pollution, and highway funding. He got political theatre and sacrificial sound bites in return.

It’s going to be that much harder to get climate solutions done when no good deed goes unpunished.

Mia Rabson
Energy and Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson rises during question period, Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024 in Ottawa. File photo by The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld

Feb. 6, 2024

Demand for federal cash to help defray the cost of home energy renovations spiked in recent months, forcing the government to close applications for the program almost a year earlier than expected.

With more than half a million applications for the Canada Greener Homes Grant already in, the program is nearing its $2.6-billion budget.

An Interview with Brett Christophers
One of the main reasons that capitalism hasn’t been greening at the pace we need is precisely because it’s not an attractive proposition in profitability terms.,(Wikimedia Commons)

Feb. 5, 2024

Declining renewable energy prices have not led to a long-predicted renewables boom, because green energy still isn’t sufficiently profitable for private investors. Public investment and ownership is essential to driving a rapid green transition.

Interview by Cal Turner and Sara Van Horn

Andrew Nikiforuk
‘Canada faces daunting challenges in meeting its net-zero commitments,’ writes David Hughes. ‘These are not insurmountable but must be clearly understood and faced head-on.’ Photo by Adrian Wyld, the Canadian Press.

Feb. 8, 2024

A leading energy analyst crunches and questions the numbers that national goals are built upon.

Canada’s road to net zero by 2050 will be bumpy, winding and “daunting.”


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