Climate Change

Climate and Capitalism

Apr. 5, 2024

Atmospheric CO2 is now more than 50% higher than pre-industrial levels

Levels of the three most important human-caused greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide – continued their steady climb during 2023, according to  the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

While the rise in the three heat-trapping gases recorded in air samples in 2023 was not quite as high as the record jumps observed in recent years, they were in line with the steep increases observed during the past decade.

Ranchers and other participants gather to observe cattle grazing at the Soil Health Academy which teaches regenerative agriculture techniques, in Cimarron, New Mexico on June 1, 2022.PHOTOGRAPH: MARIO TAMA/GETTY IMAGES
Apr. 18, 2024

Farmers around the world are reigniting the less intensive agricultural practices of yesteryear—to improve soil health, raise yields, and trap carbon in the atmosphere back down in the soil.

John Woodside
Natural Resources and Energy Minister Jonathan Wilkinson sits down with Canada's National Observer to discuss how the country can build the clean power grids of the future. Illustration by Ata Ojani/National Observer

Apr. 23, 2024

If Canada is going to meet its climate targets, virtually everything will need to be electrified. Gas guzzlers swapped for electric vehicles and public transportation; heat pumps put in place of gas furnaces; and renewable energy moving to centre stage as coal, oil and gas power plants are phased out.

Affordable, reliable electricity grids are essential to modern life and form the backbone of Canada’s economy. Without abundant power, energy-intensive sectors like auto manufacturing or steel production fall by the wayside.

The Last Farm, originally published by Adapt : Survive : Prevail
Ram pump

Apr. 17, 2024

We don’t need high-tech innovation to create a sustainable future for humanity. In fact, all the tech we need to regenerate our ecosystem and provide a good life for all already exists. In the interest of exploring the already-existing technology of the ecological future, I’ve written about three of my favorites.

John Woodside
The lobbyist registry shows that Pathways Alliance president Kendall Dilling met with Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland on March 15. Photo by Natasha Bulowski

Apr. 18, 2024

Oil and gas lobbyists kicked into high gear in the lead-up to Tuesday’s budget, the federal lobbyist registry shows.

Raf Casert
Farmers Rebel in Europe, Far Right Stokes the Flames

Apr. 18, 2024

ANDEREN, Netherlands (AP) — Inside the barn on the flat fields of the northern Netherlands, Jos Ubels cradles a newborn Blonde d’Aquitaine calf, the latest addition to his herd of over 300 dairy cattle.

Little could be more idyllic.

Little, says Ubels, could be more under threat.

Jonathan Watts
A man shields from the sun as he crosses a dried-up pond in Vietnam in March, which was recorded as the hottest month globally on record. Photograph: Nhac Nguyen/AFP/Getty Images

Apr. 17, 2024

Cost of environmental damage will be six times higher than price of limiting global heating to 2C, study finds

Average incomes will fall by almost a fifth within the next 26 years as a result of the climate crisis, according to a study that predicts the costs of damage will be six times higher than the price of limiting global heating to 2C.

Chris Hatch
Surveying California wildfire damage, Oct 11, 2017. According to the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the climate crisis will cause $38 trillion in global economy losses by 2049. Photo: California National Guard (CC BY 2.0 DEED)

Apr, 22, 2024

The language lovers among you will know that economy and ecology are twins, born and raised in the same ancient home the Greeks called oikos. They live estranged in our modern minds — a tragic separation with immense cost as the eco crashes its way back into the economy.

How immense?

Transit for Teens
BC’s Get on Board program made public transit free for youth up to 12 across the province. But what about teens? Photo by waferboard via Flickr, Creative Commons licensed.

Apr. 22, 2024

This Earth Day, Transit for Teens are pushing provincial leaders to extend the Get on Board program to age 18.

Chris Russill, Patrick McCurdy & Jenny Kliever
We need to get to the bottom of fossil fuel greenwashing people encounter when conducting searches on Google. Photo by fotdmike/Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED)

Apr, 12, 2024

When we are confused about carbon taxes or other climate policies, we often turn to Google for help. Some of us Google Search for information on “climate payment” or “climate action incentive payment” or "carbon tax rebate." Others seek government sources by searching “Environment and Climate Change Canada” or “net zero.” A few use special operators for searches, like “filetype:pdf climate change,” to filter for climate reports in PDF format.


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