Climate Change

John Woodside
Ontario Premier Doug Ford takes part in a press conference at Ottawa City Hall on Monday, April 29, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

May 16, 2024

To help Enbridge lock gas customers in for decades to come, Premier Doug Ford's government on Wednesday overrode Ontario’s independent energy regulator and passed the Keeping Energy Costs Down Act.

Primary Author: Compiled by Gaye Taylor
 Sea wall - Michael Kalus/flickr

May 16, 2024

As scientists track a “very abnormal and unprecedented” rate of sea level rise around the Gulf of Mexico, coastal communities in Canada are reacting to the threat of their own rising tides.

Experts warn that by 2030, 295,000 Canadians will face annual flood risks, with homes and neighbourhoods in British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, and Nova Scotia at highest risk.

Natasha Bulowski
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chief Allan Adam pictured speaking at a press conference in Ottawa last spring. File photo by Natasha Bulowski / Canada's National Observer

May 14, 2024

A massive carbon capture project in Canada’s oilsands should require an environmental impact assessment, say a local First Nation and environmental groups who are calling on the provincial government to make it happen.

Sierra Club BC
A natural gas well pad in northeastern B.C.'s Peace region, over the Montney Play, a shale gas formation. (Tara Carman/CBC)


May 3, 2024

Sierra Club BC calls for a pause on new fossil fuel projects as they threaten provincial, national and global climate goals

Arielle Samuelson
Economist Esther Duflo is the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Prize in Economics. She recently proposed a tax on the rich to pay for climate damages. Source: Scott Eisen/Getty Images

Apr. 24, 2024

And she called for the money to be sent directly to the world's most climate-vulnerable people.

For the first time, the world’s most powerful countries are considering a proposal that would tax the super rich and send the money directly to the people on the front lines of the climate crisis.

Olivia Rosane
A fossil fuel plant releases air and climate pollution into the atmosphere. (Photo: rmitsch/Getty Images)

May 10, 2024 

'Sad What We Are Doing': Global CO2 Increase Sets New All-Time Record

"I'd make this the lead story in every paper and newscast on the planet," said Bill McKibben. "If we don't understand the depth of the climate crisis, we will not act in time."

The average monthly concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere jumped by a record 4.7 parts per million between March 2023 and March 2024, according to new data from NOAA's Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.

Damian Carrington
They are terrified, but determined to keep fighting. Here's what they said

May 8, 2024

They are terrified, but determined to keep fighting. Here's what they said

"Sometimes it is almost impossible not to feel hopeless and broken,” says the climate scientist Ruth Cerezo-Mota. “After all the flooding, fires, and droughts of the last three years worldwide, all related to climate change, and after the fury of Hurricane Otis in Mexico, my country, I really thought governments were ready to listen to the science, to act in the people’s best interest.”

Max Fawcett
Bill Tieleman is the director of the BC Coalition for Affordable Dependable Energy, a new lobby group fighting against municipal rules phasing out natural gas in new buildings. Photo provided by Bill Tieleman

May 6, 2024

For months, Canada's natural gas utilities have mustered lobbying efforts and funded online misinformation campaigns to fight efforts by municipalities to phase out the climate-warming fuel. And now they have a new ally with deep ties to the province's NDP to push the pro-gas message in the province's lefty media.

Peter Fairley
Melanie Murray, left, Howard Breen, centre, and lawyer Joey Doyle, right, at Nanaimo Law Courts last August, where they were allowed to argue a ‘defence of necessity’ for engaging in civil disobedience to protest the climate crisis. Photo by Peter Fairley.

May 3, 2024

A Nanaimo judge ruled today that the peril of climate change is insufficient in justifying the duo’s actions.


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