Pathways Alliance questions research, says industry calculations are world standard
New federal research suggests greenhouse gas emissions from the Alberta oilsands may be significantly underestimated, adding to a growing pile of studies that say our understanding of what is going into the atmosphere is incomplete.
Despite pledging to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, Canada’s Big 5 banks have invested over $1 trillion in coal, oil and gas companies since 2016, upping the risk to the Canadian economy as the energy transition unfolds.
The Alberta government waited a month before calling an emergency response to one of the biggest releases of oilsands tailings in the province's history, a leaked document shows.
CALGARY — By betting it can solve its emissions problem with carbon capture and storage, Canada's oil and gas industry risks saddling itself with expensive stranded assets, a new report argues.
CALGARY — By betting it can solve its emissions problem with carbon capture and storage, Canada's oil and gas industry risks saddling itself with expensive stranded assets, a new report argues.
Website Editor: A great summary of Canada's fossil fuels situation and politics in this article.
Nov. 22, 2022
Canada wants to be the last country producing fossil fuels, even if it kills us
COP27 is over. The UN summit took one big step forward on climate justice with the creation of a loss and damage fund for the most impacted nations, while taking two enormous steps backwards by failing to call for a phaseout of all fossil fuels.