You arguably are one of the most powerful, famous, and networked men in the world, with many important accomplishments. I am the completely ordinary, middle class, volunteer steward of 53 acres of publicly owned, remnant floodplain woodland situated on the banks of the Des Plaines River.
In 2009, when Canada and other G20 nations first pledged to tackle fossil fuel subsidies, a collective promise was made to do away with ‘inefficient’ subsidies. But the term inefficient has never been defined, giving governments and political parties during this election a significant amount of wiggle room
If federal parties are serious about taking on climate change, they need to stop giving money to the oil and gas industry, according to two climate experts.
Alberta oil production now exceeds its pre-pandemic high, and has increased 86.2% since 2010, according to new data from the Alberta Energy Regulator and ATB Economics.
The lion’s share of the output—86% —comes from the tar sands/oil sands, CBC reports.
It’s time to apologize to the innocent Canadian environmentalists that you and your allies have hounded, vilified and intimidated for almost a decade. Steve Allan’s anti-Alberta energy inquiry has found the accusations against them to be a complete sham.
Clear their names, once and for all.
Tell the truth, at long last, and admit you were wrong.
Whatcom county’s council passed measure that bans new refineries, coal-fired power plants and other related infrastructure
A county in Washington state has become the first such jurisdiction in the US to ban new fossil fuel infrastructure, following a lengthy battle over the impact of oil refineries on the local community.