
Ben Norton, Multipolarista
Stoltenberg, Biden, Putin, Xi Jinping

July 10, 2022

NATO’s 2022 “Strategic Concept,” Its First New Plan Since 2010, Declares Russia A “Threat” And China “Systemic Challenge.”

It demonizes the Eurasian powers as “authoritarian actors” and “strategic competitors,” essentially declaring a second cold war to maintain Western hegemony.

The US-led NATO military alliance has published a historic new plan outlining its goals. The document, officially titled the 2022 “Strategic Concept,” is the first such blueprint NATO has released since 2010.

Jessica McDiarmid
Residents carry their belongings away from the floodwaters that have engulfed a swath of South Sudan for almost a year, uprooting nearly a million people. Climate change is causing catastrophes throughout the developing world. Photo courtesy of MSF

Jun 22, 2022

First, the animals die.

The chickens, cattle, goats — livestock that provides sustenance for people — starve, drown or perish from disease.

Next, the babies.

Children under five are most vulnerable to malnourishment, dehydration and illness. Their deaths are a bellwether of the devastation brought by famine, drought, flood and disaster.

Then, the elderly.

Victoria Kim, Clifford Krauss and Anton Troianovski
A Lukoil refinery in Volgograd, Russia.Credit...Reuters
Jun 21, 2022

With China and India buying the Russian oil shunned by the West in an effort to force an end to the Ukraine invasion, Moscow is earning more now than it did before the war.

SEOUL — When the United States and European Union moved to curtail purchases of Russian fossil fuels this year, they hoped it would help make the Russian invasion of Ukraine so economically painful for Moscow that President Vladimir V. Putin would be forced to abandon it.

That prospect now seems remote at best.

Countercurrents Collective
March in Brussels on June 20, 2022 protesting rising living cost and NATO’s war

Jun 21, 2022

Tens of thousands of workers demonstrated against the rising cost of living, with many linking the crisis to the NATO’s war and Russia policies. Many demonstrators condemned the US-led NATO alliance and its involvement in the Ukraine war. Many linked their dire economic straits to the EU’s sanctions regime on Russia and with the NATO’s rush to arm Ukraine.

Protesters demanded that their leaders “spend money on salaries, not on weapons,” and chanted “stop NATO.”

Media reports said:

Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? The Historical Background (Part 1) - Cover

Editor:  Background and another point of view on the war in Ukraine.  You can connect with the other parts of this series through the link here.  The series continues from March to June.

MARCH 7, 2022

Fourth International Executive Bureau
War in Ukraine - protest

Editor: One left group's point of view on the war in Ukraine.

May 24, 2022

1. State of the war

. Today, three months have passed since the invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s troops. The Russian army has occupied parts of the territory, particularly in the East and South of the country, while suffering a serious defeat in the region of Kiev. 


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