Climate Change

Ben Norton
President Luis Arce

A lot of talk these days about "saving humanity." Bolivia has a pretty good initial checklist of what that is going to require. As always, when dealing with the future, capitalism stands in the way.

             -- Gene McGuckin

Sept. 27, 2022

David McNally
What Is the Meaning of Revolution Today?

June 16, 2021


The concept of revolution poses a major challenge for Marxists today. The practice of revolution raises even larger ones.

Holly Dressel
globe and seaweed

Oct 6 2022

In seaweed, climate capitalists see green

A boom in seaweed farming is being sold globally as a climate solution, but some Indigenous nations and local harvesters are sounding an alarm

In the inlets between Vancouver Island and the archipelago of the Georgia Strait, floats one of the largest seaweed farms in North America. 

Eugene Kung - Staff Lawyer, West Coast Environmental Law
The Trans Mountain Illusion
Government by lies and theft!!! Taxpayer-funded ecocide!!!
Oct. 6, 2022
Enough magic tricks – we're exposing the math on #TransMountain. Watch to learn how the federal government is using corporate shells to hide TMX's full financial picture from the public.
Andrew Lodge
This drone photo shows the extensive damage caused by post-tropical storm Fiona in Port aux Basques, N.L. Fiona is yet another stark reminder of the havoc that awaits the planet and our species, writes Andrew Lodge. (Yan Theoret/CBC News)

Sept. 30, 2022

This column is an opinion by Andrew Lodge, the medical director at Klinic Community Health, a community health centre in downtown Winnipeg. For more information about CBC's Opinion section, please see the FAQ.

Associated Press
A Yaqui Indigenous wears a bandana over his mouth as he walks through dust past the cemetery where slain water-defense leader Tomás Rojo is buried in Potam, Mexico, on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)

Sept. 29, 2022

Some 200 environmental and land defense activists were killed around the world in 2021, including some 54 in Mexico, which assumed the position of the deadliest country in the annual report by nongovernmental organization Global Witness.

Saphora Smith
Earth barreling towards ‘uncharted territory', climate report warns

Sept. 27, 2022

The majority of the G20 failed to submit new or strengthened plans to cut emissions to the UN by September deadline

[Video here.]

Friends of the Earth
My Money, My Say! poster

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) deductions are collected by the government and given to CPP Investments, an independent crown corporation tasked with investing our money on behalf of Canadians. The fund has grown to $523 billion making it one of the largest pension funds in the world.

Rather than use its huge power to help move Canada to a green economy, CPP Investments has chosen to support the polluting fossil fuel-based economy, while claiming climate change is important.


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