
Seth Klein
As the crisis manifests, it’s time the provincial government gave its climate plan a reboot, writes columnist Seth Klein. Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildfire Service / Flickr

July 19, 2021

We mobilize to put fires out, but — so far, at least — not to prevent them.

British Columbia is having its summer of reckoning with the climate emergency. Like other places before — California, Australia, Honduras, the Philippines — the province in which I reside is now experiencing a shift in the popular zeitgeist. With a jolt to our collective consciousness, most of us now understand the emergency is well and truly upon us.

Peter Carter from IPCC report

Jul 9, 2021

The completed parts ongoing 6th IPCC assessment were leaked to the French media. This is a compilation from all the media reports of it. A globally disastrous degraded world is now unavoidable and coming soon with 1.5C at 2030. Multiple impacts to food production will cause crop declines.

Link  here.

AP News
FILE - In this file photo dated July 2007, an Inuit seal hunter touches a dead seal atop a melting iceberg near Ammassalik Island, Greenland. The left-leaning  government on Greenland which could be sitting on vast amounts of oil, has decided to suspend all oil exploration, Friday July 16, 2021, calling it “a natural step” because the Arctic government “takes the climate crisis seriously.” (AP Photo/John McConnico, FILE) AP NEWS Top Stories Video Contact Us Cookie Settings DOWNLOAD AP NEWS Connect with the

July 16, 2021

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — The left-leaning government of Greenland has decided to suspend all oil exploration off the world’s largest island, calling it is “a natural step” because the Arctic government “takes the climate crisis seriously.”

No oil has been found yet around Greenland, but officials there had seen potentially vast reserves as a way to help Greenlanders realize their long-held dream of independence from Denmark by cutting the annual subsidy of 3.4 billion kroner ($540 million) the Danish territory receives.

Crawford Kilian
Wildfire smoke that blanketed Vancouver last September was just a warning of the new reality for BC. Photo by Joshua Berson.

July 19, 2021

The ‘heat dome’ signalled our new reality. Here are key issues we must address now — or pay a big price later.

Problem 1: The destruction of the rural economy

Thomas Oatis Sandborn, John Cashore
From: Thomas Oatis Sandborn 
Date: Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 4:05 PM
Subject: Fwd: Letter from John Cashore to John Horgan - very powerful
Chris McGreal
Gas container and handcuffs image - Communities are now demanding the oil conglomerates pay damages and take urgent action to reduce further harm from burning fossil fuels. Illustration: Guardian Design/Getty Images

July 1, 2021

“Big oil was engaged in exactly the same type of behavior that the tobacco companies engaged in and were found liable for fraud on a massive scale.”

After a century of wielding extraordinary economic and political power, America’s petroleum giants face a reckoning for driving the greatest existential threat of our lifetimes.


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