
Gary Gardner, originally published by Center for the Advancement of a Steady State Economy
Durable materials and repurposed structures contribute to circularity. (Kevin Martin Jose, Unsplash)

Feb. 15. 2024

Tyne Logan
The Statue of Liberty was covered in haze and smoke caused by wildfires in Canada.(REUTERS: Amr Alfiky)

"When it comes to the impact on the climate, Dr Canadell says these fire emissions — though significant — are barely a blip on the radar compared with the decades of accumulated emissions caused by the fossil fuel industry."

Jan. 21, 2024

Just six days in to the northern hemisphere summer of 2023, the skyline in New York City was stained in a sepia smoke haze.

It was streaming from across the border, where, what became Canada's most widespread fires in history, were raging.

And the fires did not let up for months.

Seth Borenstein
Mangroves grow in a recovered mangrove forest, once part of a garbage dump, in Duque de Caxias, Brazil, July 25, 2023. (AP Photo/Bruna Prado, File)

Nov. 14, 2023

The world is off track in its efforts to curb global warming in 41 of 42 important measurements and is even heading in the wrong direction in six crucial ways, a new international report calculates.

The Directors of the West Coast Climate Action Network
An Open Appeal to Premier Eby and B.C. MLAs

Fall, 2023

The Climate Crisis: We Implore You to Act with More Urgency

An Open Appeal to Premier Eby and B.C. MLAs



Appeal to Premier Eby 

Dear Premier Eby, and every British Columbia MLA,

Greetings! We are the West Coast Climate Action Network. We have 236  member groups across B.C., representing hundreds of thousands of voters. Our member organizations have authorized us to speak out. 

Chris Lang
Greenwash cartoon

Oct. 1, 2023

It’s been clear from the beginning that the market for 'emissions offsets' is based on lies.

REDD-Monitor, September 30, 2023



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